Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Martial Law Coming Soon To America!

1. Martial law
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The day Martial Law is declared, is the day you wake up and realize that your Constution/bill of Rights/Charter of Rites and Freedoms/etc. is really just about as valuable as that Kleenex you just spunked in... because rites are just privileges, and privileges can be revoked. Your government will do whatever it takes to stay in power, and they got the gunz...

Martial Law can be recognized by the increased presence of men with plexiglass shields and/or sub-machine-guns, a pale green fog that tastes, smells and feels like burning, random acts of hippy clubbing and indiscriminate shooting into crowds.

If your going to "get your loot on" its best to do it during the Preceding state of emergency, because once Martial Law is declared, the party's over. Usually once Martial Law is declared, its best to just stay home, tune into your local state-owned media outlet and do what they say. The punishment for most criminal offenses becomes summary execution, and most of the things you might do out in public become criminal offenses.
Looting = criminal offense = shot on sight
Exercising freedom of speech= criminal offense= disappeared (shot out of sight)
looking like you might be a 'rebel' = criminal offense = a. shot on sight or b. disappeared
On the street after curfew = criminal offense = shot on sight
Looking at the officer the wrong way = criminal offense = shot on sight

If you must go out, try not to wear that 'Rage Against the Machine' tee-shirt, red stars, or clenched-fist logos, as these may attract unwanted bursts of well-aimed fire in your direction.

Remember that meeting you went to back in college? Where the guy at the front was talking about "property is theft" this, and "smash the state" that? Which you attended just so you could meet that cute outspoken Alternachick from your poli-sci class? Well, I hope she put out because thats the reason you have to agents beating on you with a phone book, trying to get a confession out of you... in the washroom of a stadium-turned-detention center. Was she worth it? (tip: just confess, the electrodes are next and a tap to the back of the head hurts less).
"Rites? Didn't you hear son? Its Martial Law! Agent Jonston, hand me those electrodes will you?"

Martial Law, coming to a city near you?

Could it happen, in America? Well, it already did.

In New Orleans, during the disaster, army rode in, not to bring food supplies and water, but to maintain martial law. Instead of taking people out, they herded them in to a stadium, and those that refused to move were shot at and killed. In fact, most of the looting that went on was actually perpetrated by the police state forces.

Many claim that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by a cabal of the Illuminati within the US government. More and more, we see evidence of our government spying on us, legislating policies that harm us, and cooperating with evil regimes like China that poison us, our children, and our pets with the products they sell.

This may all look funny and innocent, but in truth it is mind control on a very sophisticated scale. Television pacifies the minds of the viewer, and "programming" like this is very effective in allowing the public to accept the inevitable future reality.

It may only be a cartoon today, but tomorrow it will not be in just Springfield, but in your own town. Beware America, the wily FOX is out to get you once again.

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