Monday, November 24, 2008

Drinking The Obama Kool Aid

Is it a coincidence that practically all of Barack Obama's appointed cabinet members are former associates of the Bill Clinton glory days of the '90s? Why is Obama begging Hillary Clinton to accept his secretary of state job? Do they have to do the hard work for you now while you receive all the praise and glory?

Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, Tom Daschle, Bill Richardson and Joe Biden - all of these folks are not new, fresh faces like you told your blind followers. This is not the change you promised them, Obama. Are you afraid of the presidents of Iran, China, North Korea, etc., so much that you need a real woman to take care of business and make a safe America just like we did during the Clinton era? Is that why you are begging Hillary to accept? Is the economy becoming such a hurdle to overcome that you need the advice and counsel of the Clinton administration?

For more than a year, you have been telling your folks that we need change, but you're not changing anything. You are going by the textbook and have finally realized who was really qualified and who is boss. Be original, Obama. Clinton should be in the Oval Office, not a novice like you.

In achieving your primary victory earlier this year, you have made a lot of left-wing policy promises that I guarantee will never be accomplished under your tenure. Let's see if Obama follows through with his promise of bringing all of the troops home by the end of 2009. Let's see if Obama can get away with raising anyone's taxes given the sluggish economy. Let's see if Obama is ready to abolish "don't ask, don't tell." Let's see if Obama can give affordable health care right now. Let's see.

The writing is on the wall. Hook, line and sinker are the only words that describe Obama voters. They believed in an idol only to eventually find out Washington, D.C., is the same show just with different characters. Get your popcorn ready because the humiliation is about to begin. Who wears the pants in the cabinet meeting, Obama or Clinton?

Silly rapper Jim Jones said he isn't going to call dudes niggas anymore, instead he's going to call them Obama's. This whole Obama cult behavior is just plain indecorous.

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