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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Message From A So Called Illuminati Luciferian Member.
He/She goes by the name Hidden_Hand. They claim they are apart of the illuminati bloodline, but what the person wrote is very interesting.
"Thrust in your sickle and reap, for the time has come for you to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe." --Revelations 14:15
The world may soon resemble Jonestown if a sick Illuminati plan to "harvest" souls in 2012 comes to pass. For a week in October, a person claiming to be a "generational member of a Ruling Bloodline family" answered questions on abovetopsecret forum.
Using the moniker "Hidden Hand," he gave a convincing explanation of the demented Cabalistic beliefs motivating the Illuminati. He described how they find this world consciousness ("Third Density") to be "very constricting and uncomfortable" and want to be united again with Lucifer ("the One," the "Creator.") This will require them to stage an apocalyptic human sacrifice ("harvest of souls") in 2012.
The background according to "Hidden Hand" is this: Yahweh had been running a "benign dictatorship" in the Garden of Eden. He made a pact with the Luciferians (Illuminati) to introduce evil into the world, so man will have Free Will to choose between right and wrong, and thus evolve spiritually. Yahweh didn't expect man would choose evil. As result, the Illuminati rule the world but now find it a tedious place. They intend to create the intense evil (selfishness, "negative polarity") required for them to rendezvous with their spaceship, as it were. Remember, this is an insane satanic cult which just happens to dominate the planet.
At the "Harvest" evolved souls will enter the "Fourth Density" with the Illuminati and enjoy a "Golden Age," while everyone else's soul will be transported to a "replica earth" where they will continue to "work on themselves." The scenario is reminiscent of the "Left Behind" series where Christians suddenly disappear into heaven, and non-believers are left behind to face the Tribulation. I don't think this is a coincidence.
In an excerpt from over 60 pages, "Hidden Hand" says:
"Yes, the noonday Winter Solstice Sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the Lord of The Harvest shall return. You might know him as "Nibiru. Read up on the Mayan Prophesies and Calendrical events for more detail upon how the actual Galactic and Universal Cycles work."
"There will be dramatic changes to your climate and weather conditions over the next few years, as the time of the Great Harvest approaches. You will see wind speeds surpassing 300 miles per hour at times. There will be raging tsunamis and widespread devastation; and a solar emission in late 2009 early 2010 that will cause major melting of the ice caps, and subsequent drastic rise in sea levels, leaving many (international) metropolitan areas underwater....San Francisco and Damascus, will be uninhabitable by the end of 2010, possibly even sooner. Again, it depends upon certain 'forces' at play, and which time lines are activated. Humanity, though utterly unconscious of the fact, has a significant part to play in this. You (as a collective consciousness of the planet) are choosing the Negative Polarization by default, by the quality of your thoughts and actions. Thought is creative energy, focused. You get exactly what you put out."
Decide for yourself whether this information is valid. It fits into the puzzle picture I have assembled about a long-term Cabalist plan to deliberately fulfill prophesy and initiate an apocalypse. For example,
"Historian Demands Action on Powerful Doomsday Cults"
"What Every Jew and Non-Jew Should Know"
"Independent Historian Unveils Cabala Conspiracy"
and "Illuminati Rebel Issues Dire Warning" h
"Hidden Hand" explains:
"The End of this [26,000 year] Cycle, heralds literally, a New World Age, and a New Creation. A new Heaven, and a new Earth, and is the time of the Great Harvest. Smaller Cycles yield a Harvest, and then life continues on the planet as normal. Great Cycles yield a Great Harvest, and the end of current life on the 3rd Density. See it as a kind of 'Cosmic jet wash' and deep clean, while the planet takes a rest and regenerates herself.. When this Life-Cycle Ends, "All things will pass away, and All things shall be made new".
"So, December 21, 2012 AD, is not the day where all of a sudden the lights go out, and everything will suddenly change, rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition, from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date. The 26,000 year cycle is composed of 5 lesser cycles, each of which are 5,125 years in duration. Each of these 5 cycles is considered its own World Age or Creation Cycle. Our present great cycle (3113 B.C. - 2012 A.D.) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun."
"If we do not have a Negative Harvest, we are bound with you for another cycle....We need a Negative Harvest, so that we can create our 4th Density Earth, and clear our Karmic Record..."
"Hidden Hand" says the Illuminati create "War, Hatred, Greed, Control, Enslavement, Genocide, Torture, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all these things and more," for our own good.
"In all these Negative things, we are providing you with tools. But you do not see it. It is not what we do, but how you react to it, that is important. We give you the tools. You have the Free Will choice how you will use them. You have to take responsibility. There is only One of Us here. Understand that, and you will understand the Game."
"Understand, that we HAVE to be Negative. That's what we were sent here to be. It is our contract, and it has always been to help you, by providing the "Catalyst" I spoke of earlier. Being Negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level, (the characters we play enjoy our roles, as we're programmed that way), but on a Spiritual level, it is hard. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are Light, and we are Love. It is a very hard thing for us to do Spiritually, to create all this Negativity, but we do it because we love you, and it is for your highest good, ultimately. You could say, that it is our Sacrifice that we have made, in order to be of Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to you, our Brothers and Sisters in the One."
Just so there is no doubt whom the Illuminati worship: "Our Creator, is the one you refer to as 'Lucifer', "The Light Bearer" and "Bright and Morning Star". Our Creator is not "The Devil" as he has been spuriously portrayed in your bible. Lucifer is what you would call a "Group Soul" or "Social Memory Complex", which has evolved to the level of the Sixth Density, which in effect, means that he (or more accurately "'we") has evolved to a level sufficient that he (we) has attained a status equal or arguably 'greater' than that of Yahweh (we have evolved higher than him). In appearance, were you to gaze upon Lucifer's fullest expression of our Being, the appearance would be that of a Sun or a "Bright Star". Or, when stepping down into a 3rd Density vibration, we would appear as what you may term an 'Angel' or 'Light Being'."
"Hidden Hand" says the media plays a major role in creating the negative meme and making us unwitting collaborators.
"Why do you think the Media is so important to us? You have (as a society), in your hypnotized comatose state, given your Free Will consent to the state your planet is in today. You saturate your minds with the unhealthy dishes served up for you on your televisions that you are addicted to, violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, incessant 'bad news', fear and 'terror'. When was the last time you stopped, to think of something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts about it. You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice. Your 'thought' at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose."
The Illuminati dogma is pure Cabalism (Occultism) which sees chaos and destruction as a prerequisite to change. The Creator as "sparks" trapped in our bodies which requires that the world be smashed in order to release Him. "Hidden Hand" tells forum members:
"You are indeed what you call "Divine Souls"; you are sparks or seeds of The One Infinite Creator. You are Life Itself (Light), remembering and learning who you really are (we came here to help you to do this) and yes, currently, you are trapped (or more accurately "Quarantined") within the 'matter' of this planet you call Earth."
"You can thank your Creator Yahweh for that. You are the 'offspring' or individuations of his Group Soul (or Social Memory Complex). Macrocosmically speaking, you ARE Yahweh. The 'Karmic' effect of his imprisoning us in his Astral Planes, also has an impact upon you. I cannot be more specific on this, without impinging on the Law of Confusion. You must work it out for yourselves."
For an evil do-er, "Hidden Hand" spent most of his time coaching forum members on avoiding the Illuminati traps and listening to their "inner voice" so they will be released from the wheel of reincarnation during the "Great Harvest."
"You will never be 'free', for as long as you are incarnating on this planet. The very nature of your being here, is indication of that. There is a reason why you are here, and 'here' is very likely not really where you think 'here' is. How do you become free? By working out where you are, and coming to an understanding, of why you are here. You are fast running out of time to do so, before the coming Harvest. Those that don't make it, will have to repeat the cycle."
By the end of the week, most of the forum members are eating out of the guru's hidden hand. The exceptions are, ironically, a "lower level mason" who accuses him of rehashing New Age Theology. The guru acknowledges that the "Ra Material" ("the Law of One") are 85-90% accurate. He says the "Ra Material" is "very similar to the knowledge my Family has, and have passed down for many many generations."
A Christian reader correctly sees "an elaborate ruse to 'make the devil look good.' I don't think there are many conservative Christians that would be able see the difference between the biblical Lucifer and the Lucifer you purport to be a part of."
But she asks for his advice in overcoming this obstacle.
"Hidden Hand" claims to belong to one of 13 Bloodlines that have ruled the world from the dawn of time. They are "Houses" performing functions like organs in a body, which is the "Family" united in the common cause. They all have an area of specialty: Military, Government, Spiritual, Scholarship, Leadership, and Sciences. They hold key positions in all of these main areas. With the addition of a complicit Media machine and ownership of Financial establishments, all bases are covered.
Writing in Oct, he said a certain faction wanted to call off the US election. "If nothing happens to Obama, he will win. Remember, behind the scenes, there is only One Party. Our Party. 'Democracy' is an illusion which is created to uphold your slavery. Whichever side 'wins'; the Family wins. There are many possibilities and alternative 'scripts'. All of them lead toward the ultimate implementation of the overall blueprint of our Creator" [i.e. Lucifer.]
He says he is only a "regional" leader (as opposed to national or international) but his information is that, barring "unforeseen disruptions" there will be "a new currency by the end of 2008 / early 2009, along with a new Union of nations. January has been spoken of in some circles, as the latest, though there are plans underway which could even bring this to fruition much earlier than initially hoped for. It depends upon the results of other upcoming events as to how this will play out."
Asked if "911" was the creation of a "star gate," he replied, "No, it was a Ritual Human Sacrifice. That, and the obvious catalyst for the so-called 'War on Terror'."
He confirms that "Svali" was "a part of the Family, at the lower levels, from the German Lines I believe. As I understand, she did reveal a lot of truth about the lower levels, but she was only Regional Level in the Earth Lines, so not that high. She certainly would not have had anything like the "bigger picture."
He says the Rothschilds etc. belong to "earth-based" bloodlines. "The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture. They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to 'rule the world', to Control and Enslave, and create as much Suffering and Negativity as is humanly possible. That's what they 'get out of the deal'. World Domination. You'd have to say with that in mind, they're doing a great job. But one of the things they don't know or understand, is that our (Venusian Power Lines) agenda, is ultimately for the Highest Good of all concerned, in providing you with the Catalyst. If they were aware of this Truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95% Negative Harvest. They are aware of the Harvest, and the need for them to attain the 95%, to get out of 3rd Density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims".
"Starting at the bottom level, you have what we call "Local Cell Groups" or "Family Clusters". There will be anything from say five to thirty or so of these, depending upon the size of the town or city in question. Each Local area has it's own Council, comprised of Local Leaders representing the Six Disciplines of learning. There is also either a High Priest or High Priestess of The Order, who Serves their local community."
"Above this, you have the Regional Council, with the Leader of each Local Council representing their specific areas. Then the National Council, in the same vein, with the Leaders of the Regional Councils sitting to represent their Regions."
"Then you have the Supreme World Council above them all, with the National Leaders representing their Countries. Above this, is another group I cannot mention, who liaise with the "Hidden Hands."
"Then above this, there are many other levels of Leadership, purely from the Power Lines (the ones that are not of this planet.) The Supreme World Council, only know as much as is "Handed" down to them from us."
"In our Power Lines, we have a similar structure, with Local and Regional groups etc, though most of us are living in entirely 'different' types of communities than you would understand. All I shall say is that we are not "surface dwellers."
In his own terms, "Hidden Hand" is credible but I regard him as insane, pretending to purity and talking about "service to others" while wreaking untold misery and mayhem on humanity. He offers invaluable insight into the hypocritical Illuminati mindset, always dressing their evil in pretensions of public service. For example, Communism is Satanism posing as working class rebellion.
To inflict so much suffering and depravity under the pretext of "testing" mankind and furthering evolution is preposterous. Aren't there enough tests in life without the Illuminati's hidden hand on the scale? If instead the Illuminati had exercised a positive influence, spiritual evolution would have taken place at an amazing pace. Retarding human evolution, not advancing it, is their real agenda.
I believe the harbor is best reached by setting your course and avoiding the rocks. In contrast, the Illuminati steer the vessel onto the rocks, as many times as it takes to sink it. This sick Cabalistic dogma is behind the blank gaze of our politicians and newscasters.
It's time to admit that humanity is under constant stealth attack by a sadistic and dangerous Satanic cult. Obviously, it is well organized and funded and has subverted every institution.
It's time we set aside occultism and used common sense. It's time we adopted simple morality, as in "Do Unto Others as You Would have Them do Unto You."
Unless we wrest control of this planet from the Illuminati, we are doomed, like Rev. Jones' followers at Jonestown. And we will deserve our fate. Hidden Hand is right. "You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice." Let's be "Service Oriented" and reject the Illuminati -- their phony terror, fascist government and Satanic religion.Let's throw their kool-aid in their face.
Svali- The Illuminati in America
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Illuminati-The Cult that Hijacked the World." ( His articles can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving your comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.
Also check out the new Nick Cage movie trailer "knowing" It mentions the Luciferians.
500th Homicide Brings Out Jesse Jackass.
As Chicago moved past the milestone of over 500 homicides this year, Jesse Jackson, Sr. used the opportunity to further promote his campaign for tougher gun laws.
After a morning forum yesterday at RainbowPUSH headquarters, Jackson held a press conference featuring the mother of Kermit DeLashment -- who became the city's 500th homicide victim last Monday -- where she pleaded for her son's killer to turn themselves in. A national program director for The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Jennifer Bishop, was also on hand criticizing Illinois gun laws and said that the "laws currently in place have huge loopholes." Bishop outlined the center's "5 point action plan" to stop easy access to guns:
Require universal background checks on every gun transfer
Regulate the trafficking of illegal guns
Restrict military-style assault weapons in civilian hands
Prohibit all violent criminals from possessing firearms
Apply consumer product safety standards and childproof safety features to all firearms
Sounds good, but we're not sure how much of the above would cut down on things like gang violence -- which is clearly the cause for this year's homicide uptick. We also thought Illinois actually had some pretty restrictive gun laws in place, especially in Chicago and Cook County -- for instance, Illinois is one of the last states that doesn't have any sort of provisions to allow a citizen to legally conceal and carry a weapon. So sorry, Rev. Jackson, we just can't get past the nagging feeling that the focus is in the wrong place.
Lets give this a big SMH.
After a morning forum yesterday at RainbowPUSH headquarters, Jackson held a press conference featuring the mother of Kermit DeLashment -- who became the city's 500th homicide victim last Monday -- where she pleaded for her son's killer to turn themselves in. A national program director for The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Jennifer Bishop, was also on hand criticizing Illinois gun laws and said that the "laws currently in place have huge loopholes." Bishop outlined the center's "5 point action plan" to stop easy access to guns:
Require universal background checks on every gun transfer
Regulate the trafficking of illegal guns
Restrict military-style assault weapons in civilian hands
Prohibit all violent criminals from possessing firearms
Apply consumer product safety standards and childproof safety features to all firearms
Sounds good, but we're not sure how much of the above would cut down on things like gang violence -- which is clearly the cause for this year's homicide uptick. We also thought Illinois actually had some pretty restrictive gun laws in place, especially in Chicago and Cook County -- for instance, Illinois is one of the last states that doesn't have any sort of provisions to allow a citizen to legally conceal and carry a weapon. So sorry, Rev. Jackson, we just can't get past the nagging feeling that the focus is in the wrong place.
Lets give this a big SMH.
The Day The Earth Stood Still.
Namaste and Blessings to you all, heres a semiotic asessment of The Day the Earth Stood Still, released 12/12/08 under a Gemini Full Moon at Perigree and a Grand Mutable Cross astrologically, and its relationship to the Aeon of Horus.
I find it interesting that this film was released during a powerful Planetary Conjunction thats quite rare. This Conjunction is called the Grand Mutable Cross, sometimes called the Common Cross, or Hidden Christ Cross. This Cross is created when two planets are opposed to eachother at 180* and another two are at 90* of eachother and all 4 planets rest in a Mutable House of the Zodiac. The 4 Mutable signs being, Saggitarius, Virgo, Pisces and Gemini. In todays Case we have Uranus(ruling the dawning age of Aquarius) in Pisces (being the house of our current astrological Age. The Sun is in Saggitarius and is Squaring Mars opposite Uranus, and with Saturn in Virgo when the Moon is Full as well as at Perigree, that is the largest that it will be for another year. And to Top it all off Pluto(unconscious revelation) will be conjoining with Mercury(communication) as it enteres Capricorn for the very first time today and will remain there till 2012. This is the last full Moon of the year 2008, and to me it had a very strong Gemini Communication/Messenger themes tied in with it. The major theme in The Day the Earth Stood Still was of Communication with Aliens or even our own Creators, as well as Plutos collective unconscious revealing Great Flood and Ark Themes, Piscean Water Beast, Watchers/Angel Messenger/Guardians, the fullest and largest Moon In Gemini the planet ruling communication and duality synchs well for me too. This film was also beamed into space on this day as well. Lets see how the Grand Mutable Cross relates to the semiotic patterns of this film.
Wikipedia has this to say about the film with my own words in parenthesis-
"A representative of an alien race that went through drastic evolution to survive its own climate change, Klaatu (Keanu Reeves) (christ/Neo archetype) comes to Earth to assess whether humanity can prevent the environmental damage they have inflicted on their own planet. Klaatu himself already has a negative opinion of humans, and when detained by Regina Jackson, the United States Secretary of Defense, and barred from speaking to the United Nations, he decides they shall be exterminated so the planet – with its rare ability to sustain complex life – can survive. Dr. Helen Benson (Jennifer Connelly) (black Isis) and her stepson Jacob (Jaden Smith) (Sun of Hancock Osiris Will 2k Smith) finally convince Klaatu humans are worth saving." - Wikipedia. Ill be explaining/spoiling more further in.
Interestingly enough, on 12/12/08 with the Fullest, Largest, and Final Moon of 2008 in the sign Gemini(Communication/Messenger/Klaatu!!!) We have the release of the Film with Posters looking like this below.
Posters for the 12/12/08 movie featuring a Huge Moon-Like glowing Orb, in reality the Moon was at its Largest in Perigree in Gemini the Messenger. The messenger Klaatu is the main focus of the film as well. The Moon in Esoteric Sciences is symbolic of Emotion, Imagination, the Unconscious, MEMories(Hebrew word for water=MEM, think tears), The Astrological Water sign Cancer, Passivity, Receptivity, measurement, female birth cycles, left brain, the evening hours etc. On 12/12/08 We have this Historic Angels/Aliens communications theme beamed into Space during the Grand Mutable Cross Full Moon Gemini event.
"On the film's December 12, 2008 release, the Deep Space Communications Network at Cape Canaveral will transmit the film to Alpha Centauri."
NY TIMES-"The movie will be broadcast in real time, starting at noon on Friday, by Deep Space Communications Network, a Florida company that has beamed whale songs and the Craigslist Web site, among other things, into space in the three years of its existence. "
"The movie will be beamed in the direction of Alpha Centauri, a triple star system about four light-years from here. That means it will take four years for it to get to Alpha Centauri."
Astronomer Seth Shostak (of the organization SETI Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) served as scientific consultant on the film, reviewing the script several times for errors, and gave suggestions for making the scientists less dry.He has been an observer for Project Phoenix (SETI) as well as an active participant in various international forums for SETI research. " - Wikipedia
Jennifer Connoly also studied all of her dialouge intensely under Shostak before the film according to wikipedia. Interestingly enough this film as I mentioned above was released below on earth, and beamed above to Alpha Centauri. Synching with Alpha Centauri, two Asteroids named in Astrology after Centaurs Justice and Peace, Astrea and Crantor.
Strangely enough Wikipedia also had this to say about Klaatu and his full name.
"In the "Thirteen Moon Peace Calendar White Lunar Wizard Year" pocket 13 Moon calendar distributed by the Jose Arguelles-connected Foundation For The Law of Time, the final line of the "Prayer of the Seven Galactic Directions" on page 1 ends with the incorrectly spelled "KLATU BARADA NIKTO!" and translates this as "The Galactic Federation Comes in Peace"
Connecting us to Will 2k Smith and his Horus/2012/Alien resonating roles such as "Independance Day", "I Am Legend", "Hancock", as well as "Men in Black". And the fact that " Smith turned down the role of Neo in The Matrix in favor of Wild Wild West."-(wiki)(thanks dio) Only to have his son star in this film as none other than A Widows Son who travels with KeaNeo/Klaatu throughout the film. The widow being the Black Virgin Mary/Isis Jennifer Connoly who Jake Kotze has done amazing work with. We can spot MIB agents talkng about the film that Will 2ks Sun would soon star in the remake of.
"Midway through the movie Men in Black, Agents Z, K, and J observe "surveillance video" of a number of celebrities who were surprisingly (or not) identified as undercover space aliens. On being asked by a journalist for his reaction, one of the fingered celebs, Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming, replied, "Klaatu barada nikto!" - Wiki
The Director is also Quoted noting the Biblical themes of the film. From Wikipedia-
"He (the director) compared the remake's Klaatu to the wrathful God who floods the world in the Old Testament, but is gentle and forgiving by the time of the New Testament."
"Lou Cannon and Colin Powell believed the film inspired Ronald Reagan to discuss uniting against an alien invasion when meeting Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985. Two years later, Reagan told the UN, "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
"Derrickson emphasized a Trinity-like relationship between the sphere, Klaatu and Gort. Klaatu is initially depicted as a radiant focus of sentient light. He is then depicted as a seven-feet tall gray "walking womb" shape which finally takes on a completely human appearance. "
"Their 15th draft(of the destroyer Gort) had depicted the robot as a four-legged "Totem" that stands upright after firing its weapon beam. Okun explained there were many more "horrific" or "amazing" concepts, but it made sense that the robot would assume a familiar human shape. He cited the Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey as an inspiration for Gort's texture, noting "it's a simple shape, it has no emotion . It just simply is", which makes Gort more frightening because the audience cannot tell what he is thinking."- From Wikipedia
Connecting us to the Biblical Beast of Revelations, we see in the film giant Orbs rising from beneath the sea before the End of the World(Piscean Age). Synching with the 15th draft for Gort the Destroyer that arrives with Klaatu, the beast was set to start on all 4s (Revelations 1st Sea Beast ) and then walk on two feet on Earth (Revelations 2nd Beast). Gort also being considered a Walking Womb Connects us to the Aeon or Age/World/Universe theme, as Gort Destroys everything and reveals the Whomb of the New Aeon.
Connecting us to the Full Moon in Communicator Gemini release of the Movie, another event preceeded this film on the previous Full Moon, The October 14th 2008 Alabama Federation of Light event, wether this was a controlled experiment to get peoples consciousness attracting this sort of phenomena/archetypes, it made national and local news, and supposedly did bring collective experiences/hallucinations of these themes. Heres what these intelligences told Blossom Goodchild of Galactic Federation Via Telepathy.
"We wish it to be understood that on the 14th day of your month of October in the year 2008 a craft of great size shall be visible within your skies. It shall be in the south of your hemisphere and it shall scan over many of your states. We give to you the name of Alabama"
Nothing large scale or material came of this event but it did bring these themes into the forefront of Awareness right between Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls and The Day the Earth Stood Still.
In the film Gort the Great Beast Destroyer of Worlds becomes thousands of tiny Locust/Beetles/Flies tying further into Set/Beazlebub archetypes, and at one point they begin to start cracking all of NYs Glass, Jennifer Connely interfaces with more Shattering Glasses or Veils as the Black Isis pointed out by Jake Kotze.
Closing the Aeon of the Vengeful Hero
To add to the synchromystical flavor the film contained the following Semiotic Links previously explored heres some of what I observed in the film in relationship to the Aeon of Horus in esoteric sciences.
-The Film Starts high in the KaroKou? Mountains It was definatly a K-K (2k) Himalayan Mountaintop where a man played by Keaneo Reeves has his DNA stolen by an Orb/Aeon/Arc, the consciousness or Entity that borrows his DNA returns through a Giant World/Universe/Ark/Orb in the body of Keaneo accompanied by a Huge Black Beast called Gort.
KeaNeo Reeves plays a Christ Resonating Messiah who is Reborn in Placenta/Womb Material while under Government care, just as we wakes up in Placenta/Amniotic Fluid during the film The Matrix. In the Film this Stem Cell resonating Fluid is used by Keanu to Ressurect him after being shot initially as well as to heal others throughout the Film.
This also connects us to Jaden Smith whos father turned down the role for Neo in The Matrix(thanks dizo) AND whos father sacrificed himself as Horus/Christ/Light against the evil SET/Zomie/Darkness at the end of "I Am Legend" , Will alos had his Laboratory in Washington Square Park NYC in I am Legend, and now his son sees the end of the world in Central Park NYC, in the film "The Happening" there is an invisible death that starts its movement in the winds in Central Park as well, just note how much NYC is being charged up symbolically for us in these films, Escape from New York, Cloverfeild, Deep Impact, the list goes on. Now for Jaden Smith and the Aeon of Horus.
Jaden Smith also resonates with the Archetype of the Vengeful Widows Son of the Egyptian Masonic tradition. Horus son of the Murdered Osiris seeks vengeance against his Uncle Seth his fathers Murderer. According to Aleister Crowley famed Magus extraordinaire we are currently experiencing the energies of the Aeon of Horus or the Age of the Vengeful Hero. Jacob in the movie is attached to the Loss of his Father(Osiris) and is constantly trying to bring everything back to his fathers death, he even asks Klaatu to Resurrect him before his mother assures him that he contains his Father and thus is his father resurrected. At the end of the Film Klaatu sees the satisfaction of the Vengeful Hero through his mothers words above his Fathers Grave(Osiris) and understands that Humanity has developed the necessary faculties to change their will upon the Earth, at this point Klaatu runs into the Beast resonating Orb of the Aeon and ends the Aeon of the Vengeful Hero. At the end of the film Jacob/Horus gets a Cut under his right eye after a car crash. Klaatu decides not to end the world after seeing Jennifer Isis Connoly finally tell Jacob Horus that he is his father in many ways and thus satisifies the Widows Vengeful Hero Son, marking the end of the Age of the Aeon of Horus.
A Recurring theme thorughout the film is that Humanity has been doing everything destructive and imaginable it could imagine since the last time of the Flooding or movement of the Ages, and when Klaatu meets a Professor on Earth, the professor tries to explain that "on the precipice of Disaster, species Evolve after Klaatu explains that the Earth was seeded after Klaatus planet ran out of resources, thats a Classic Nibiru/Annunaki reference for anyone familiar with The 12th Planet Ancient Astronaut theories.
I could have sworn at the end of the film the Presidents Secretarys Watch froze at 9:30, 93 being the Gematrial attribution to Aleister Crowleys Aeon of Horus. Can anybody solidify this for me? I dont have another 10 bucks! to go see this film. Also The Order of the Dragon was first created on December 12, 1408 by Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary-Croatia Sigismund.
Heres what Thelemapedia has to say about the Aeon of Horus for a little context.
"The modern Aeon of Horus, with our times of self-realization as well as a growing interest in all things spiritual, is considered to be dominated by the Principle of the Child. The Word of its Law is Thelema (will) which is complimented by Agape (love), and its formula is Abrahadabra. Individuality and finding the "True Will" are the dominant aspects; its formula is that of growth, in consciousness and love, toward self-realization.
Of the Aeon of Horus, Crowley writes:
the crowned and conquering child, who dieth not, nor is reborn, but goeth radiant ever upon His Way. Even so goeth the Sun: for as it is now known that night is but the shadow of the Earth, so Death is but the shadow of the Body, that veileth his Light from its bearer. (Heart of the Master)
And also:
The Aeon of Horus is here: and its first flower may well be this: that, freed of the obsession of the doom of the Ego in Death, and of the limitation of the Mind by Reason, the best men again set out with eager eyes upon the Path of the Wise, the mountain track of the goat, and then the untrodden Ridge, that leads to the ice-gleaming pinnacles of Mastery! (Little Essays Towards Truth, "Mastery")" - Thelemapedia-Aeon of Horus
In the Regal Cinemas theatre that i saw the movie at there was a MASSIVE amount of DELTA Wave Frequences being pumped in through the surround sound. Im familiar with those waves and their relationship with focusing brainwaves intensely into deep concentration, hollywood loves Brainwave Entrainment nowadays, 80% of the coming attractions to this film contained UFO/Paranormal/2012 hemes as well.
The type of Consciousness that this film arises in your average person who is not schooled in Ancient Astronaut Theory is intense and probably very startling to your average reality tunnel. Tying in biblical Flood and Noahs Ark themes already present in so many Hollywod Films, this film does everything short of giving you the Sumerian attributes to all of these gods/places. I can guarantee that alot of people had intense dreams last night after seeing this film. That is why its my assumption that those who are Partying at Atlantis Rising in Dubai*, are delivering this Ancient Alien/Angel consciousness to the masses at an Opportune time underneath a Grand Mutable Cross as well as the Gemini Full Moon. I want to leave you with some work about the Mutable Grand Cross and what this Alignment means for Humanity Esoterically speaking.
I feel that the work of Alice Bailey would be good to Quote here as she seemed to favor the energies available during A Grand Mutable Cross, or the Common/Hidden Cross of Christ as she would call it.
1. The Cross of the Hidden Christ—The Mutable Cross.
The four arms of this Cross are Gemini—Virgo—Sagittarius—Pisces. It is sometimes called the Common Cross because it conditions the common herd, the mass of humanity.
a. This is the Cross of the four major energies which produce the conditioning circumstances which transform animal man into an aspirant.
b. It is, therefore, the Cross of the personality or of the steadily developing and finally integrating human being. This takes place at first in response to circumstance and later to soul inclination.
c. It is the Cross of temporal and temporary change, of fluidity and of those constantly altering environments which drive the soul within the form from one extreme of experience to another, so that the life shuttles between the pairs of opposites.
d. It is the Cross of the responsive form, nurturing and developing the life of the indwelling Christ, the hidden Soul or Lord of Being.
The Mutable Signs
1. Gemini—the presentation of duality. ( Where our Full Moon Rests 12/12/08)
2. Virgo—the presentation of blending life and form. ( Where Saturn Rests Opposed Uranus 12/12/08)
3. Sagittarius—the presentation of focused energy. (Where our Sun Rests Conjunct Mars 12/12/08)
4. Pisces—the presentation of a blended radiance. ( Where Uranus rests conjunct Mars and Saturn 12/12/08)
The mutable Cross or the cross of the hidden Christ, composed of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, is the cross of the personality, and therefore influences the multitude, the common masses and the aspirant. Its influence drives the human being to have experiences in the lower triad, causing crises and conflicts through which the individual begins to feel and discover the Christ concealed beneath the form. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, polar opposites, lead the human individual to undergo every possible experience on the material plane in order to discover the inherent divine essence and, through this consciousness, purify, transmute and harmonise his or her personality."
This Cross' relativity to Christ is in that it rules over Humanity and Brotherhood, the common aspirations of Man/Woman to become their Higher Potential, to aspire toward harmony with Creation. This reminds me of the Jupiterian sacrifice energy of the Piscean Christ Hanged Man Aeon that we currently reside in, the Era of the Soul overcoming Matter together, Christ sacrificed on the Cross, or the Common Christ in all of us changing our destructive ways on planet Earth agains the Mutable Cross or Cross of the Zodiac. This Film Highly resonates for me with the energies of Satisfying the Vengeful Hero in the Piscean Good Fish VS Bad Fish Jesus Satan dichotomy, this dichotomy is said to be over after the Piscean Age is Closed by the Messiah/Great Beast so that the Aquarian Age can begin. This film also reveals the Common Christ energy in all people when at the end Klaatu is able to perceive humans overcoming their attachment to suffering, ego, destruction and death, when all including the vengeful can see the Flowering Potential(christ) Beneath the surface of all beings and objects.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Illuminati Agenda Unfolds
The Purpose of the Economic Meltdown
December16, 2008
By: Carolyn Harris
We all know economic depression here, and some of us have an inkling about what is coming. The governments vacillate between spewing gloom and doom and ridiculous ‘happy fun clown time’ gibberish at the great unwashed masses depending upon whether they want fools to buy into the stock market at that particular time to make certain fat cats even richer, or they want those fools to sell and lose almost everything.
The housing bubble has been popped, the stock market is crashing and pensions are being siphoned off minute by minute. It’s clear that gold is being manipulated at the same time the dollar is going down. The contortionate “credit instruments” and exotic book-keeping (what an oxymoron that is) methods of investment houses, bankers and large businesses have all happened in a top-down way on purpose. The more they ripped off the little guy the bigger their commission and bonus; it is a system that thrives, indeed lives off of insatiable greed. And the monsters near the top aren’t sweating one bit. They know what is happening and they know what is coming next.
The fiat currency house of cards is tumbling down because the international bankers just exhaled a puff of the expensive smoke from their Cuban Cohiba Behike cigar and blew on it. In other words, it was planned. It is time now for the next phase of their plan.
It’s high time someone put it all together, without focusing on individual trees. There is a reason that the system was set up this way; there is a reason why home loans were offered to folks who couldn’t possibly pay them back and there is a reason why this all happening.
Put succinctly, this is all part of the Agenda 21 plan. Look closely at the map and notice just how much land area are “little or no human activity” zones. Notice how the small towns have disappeared and there are only major cities with specific travel corridors between them. That’s right, losing your job, your house, your land is part of their plan. NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT were part of this plan were enacted to get rid of the American manufacturing base and all the associated jobs. Without a home (or any viable housing options), a job and food, you have no other choice but to go where those necessities are located: the city.
The massive migration to the cities. The documents state in no uncertain terms that they “predict” (read: plan) class warfare (.pdf) as the middle class disappears and most will be reduced to abject poverty in said swelling cities. The documents and articles explain that the “bio-fuel” scam will wreak havoc with the world’s food supply, that GMO crops lead to less yield and that the uber rich are going to have to hide for a while to escape the hordes of angry, hungry and dirty people.
Realize that when one takes out a home loan, the bank actually owns the house until it’s completely paid off. If a mortgage isn’t paid, possession reverts to the banks. Only the wealthy are able to buy property at this time, and they certainly don’t want your three bedroom 2.5 bath brick rambler. This begs the question - what will be done with all these vacant houses?
Logic dictates that they must be rendered unusable. Most likely they will be stripped of copper and condemned and later bulldozed. They can’t have any “non-cooperative human subjects” fleeing the stinking cesspit cities for the fresh air of the country, now can they? They will have to render all repossessed houses unlivable in the “little or no human activity” zones.
Concomitant to the orchestrated mortgage meltdown, there is the Orwellian-sounding planned “credit crunch” - meaning that businesses who operated on the knife-edge and had to use credit to continue operating day-to-day are no longer able to get the credit they require. No more ships bringing in goods, truckers able to deliver goods, employers able to pay employees. The domino effect which we have begun to see will enlarge to horrific corporations, rendering those crappy burger-flipping jobs an enviable situation, except that people won’t even be able to afford those crappy burgers. Grocery stores run completely out of stock in three days; without stock being brought to them by trucks, it makes for a desperate situation and desperate people.
Without jobs, no one can consume, without consumption the entire US economy collapses. The US government is in the process of defaulting on it’s debts - said, “short-term Treasury yields actually turned negative.” The US Dollar will have to be demonetized at some point in 2009 which will instantly render all paper currency worldwide totally valueless. With empty grocery stores and no means of exchange, there will be food riots very quickly. Be assured that power companies, television and cable will still be working at that time, even though other business will not be. This is important to the plan because everyone will be glued to their “tee-vee” waiting for Mother Government to tell them what is going on and what they should do. And the New World Order plan will shift into high gear at that point.
Local representatives of Mother Government will announce that all hungry, desperate people should all go quietly and calmly to the nearest school, community center or some other large place and Mother Government will “help” them, feed them and their children. This, of course, will be the pick up points to transport people to FEMA camps (all 1400 of them) so they can be ‘taken care of’ and provided with the things they need. Here is the document that says exactly how people will be processed in. Here is the list of Executive Orders allowing the President to nix the Constitution, suspend the Congress and institute Martial Law, separate families, remove entire communities, take possession of all communication, food sources, water supplies and so on. And woe unto you if you have a skill that would be helpful to Mother Government! You can be conscripted, without remuneration and they don’t have to return you. How is that for an employer from hell?
After most hungry and scared sheeple obey the talking head on the “tee-vee” and go willingly to the camps, there will be some who have heeded the advice and taken steps necessary to provide emergency food, buy guns and ammunition and safety gear for themselves and their families. These hold-outs will be problematic for Mother Government and the New World Order plan. Rest assured that as people are processed into the camps and their information entered into the IRIS system, it will be checked against the consolidated databases and the hold-out’s names will be noted. Remember, once Martial Law is declared due to the emergency of dollar demonetization, there is no more Constitution, there are no more rights. Hold-outs will be considered enemies of the State.
When most Americans are ’safely’ within the clutches of FEMA, the squalid conditions, lack of medication, forced vaccinations, and sub-standard, irradiated and non-nutritive food will cause many deaths, but that’s fine because it is further depopulation. More people dead = less slaves to manage. Some will be assigned to work crews to demolish the abandoned and repossessed houses in the “no human activity zones,” others will be working on the cities for the massive influx of slaves [EO 1104], once the work is done and the controllers are ready to repopulate the cities.
Mother Government has an electronic dossier on each person containing any and all information obtainable - that given willingly to Mother Government and that gleaned from extensive data-mining operations, legal and illegal. It contains not only school and medical records, travel, employment and purchasing history, social network, communications, your political leanings and everything else they can get their hands on, and it all adds up to your “data double” for which they run algorithms to figure out your personality, and mental and emotional state. It contains everything there is to know about you that they can obtain, and they think they know you. With this information, they run simulations to determine what your reaction will be to any given stimulus, and the reaction of others with a similar profile, to determine the best way to eliminate you.
With extensive satellite and land-based surveillance, smart dust and other technologies, they will be able to determine where the hold-outs are, and with the results of their simulations, the best way to mitigate the trouble a hold-out may cause. This will include massive aerial spraying in order to sicken hold-outs, ruin crops and kill livestock not already in the hands of Mother Government. There will be no mercy, as those who think for themselves and truly value freedom are the most dangerous to their plan.
But do no forget that more people are waking up every day due to the dedicated and dynamic efforts of Patriots everywhere; and there are many, many more of us than there are of them. If we redouble our efforts at education (especially of law enforcement and military) and preparation, we have a real chance at not only slowing down the nefarious New World Order plan, but stopping it. Only five per cent of the population fought the British in the Revolutionary war - the colonists were out-gunned, out-manned and out-spent, but their determination to be free outweighed everything that was thrown at them. What we face is a much greater tyranny and truly diabolical people who are bent on the near destruction of the human race.
This is a hellish, nightmarish scenario, but if one reads the documents the plan is laid bare for all to see. Time is very, very short, and those who understand must do everything in their power to educate others and prepare for what is coming. If you don’t take care of yourself, Mother Government will.
December16, 2008
By: Carolyn Harris
We all know economic depression here, and some of us have an inkling about what is coming. The governments vacillate between spewing gloom and doom and ridiculous ‘happy fun clown time’ gibberish at the great unwashed masses depending upon whether they want fools to buy into the stock market at that particular time to make certain fat cats even richer, or they want those fools to sell and lose almost everything.
The housing bubble has been popped, the stock market is crashing and pensions are being siphoned off minute by minute. It’s clear that gold is being manipulated at the same time the dollar is going down. The contortionate “credit instruments” and exotic book-keeping (what an oxymoron that is) methods of investment houses, bankers and large businesses have all happened in a top-down way on purpose. The more they ripped off the little guy the bigger their commission and bonus; it is a system that thrives, indeed lives off of insatiable greed. And the monsters near the top aren’t sweating one bit. They know what is happening and they know what is coming next.
The fiat currency house of cards is tumbling down because the international bankers just exhaled a puff of the expensive smoke from their Cuban Cohiba Behike cigar and blew on it. In other words, it was planned. It is time now for the next phase of their plan.
It’s high time someone put it all together, without focusing on individual trees. There is a reason that the system was set up this way; there is a reason why home loans were offered to folks who couldn’t possibly pay them back and there is a reason why this all happening.
Put succinctly, this is all part of the Agenda 21 plan. Look closely at the map and notice just how much land area are “little or no human activity” zones. Notice how the small towns have disappeared and there are only major cities with specific travel corridors between them. That’s right, losing your job, your house, your land is part of their plan. NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT were part of this plan were enacted to get rid of the American manufacturing base and all the associated jobs. Without a home (or any viable housing options), a job and food, you have no other choice but to go where those necessities are located: the city.
The massive migration to the cities. The documents state in no uncertain terms that they “predict” (read: plan) class warfare (.pdf) as the middle class disappears and most will be reduced to abject poverty in said swelling cities. The documents and articles explain that the “bio-fuel” scam will wreak havoc with the world’s food supply, that GMO crops lead to less yield and that the uber rich are going to have to hide for a while to escape the hordes of angry, hungry and dirty people.
Realize that when one takes out a home loan, the bank actually owns the house until it’s completely paid off. If a mortgage isn’t paid, possession reverts to the banks. Only the wealthy are able to buy property at this time, and they certainly don’t want your three bedroom 2.5 bath brick rambler. This begs the question - what will be done with all these vacant houses?
Logic dictates that they must be rendered unusable. Most likely they will be stripped of copper and condemned and later bulldozed. They can’t have any “non-cooperative human subjects” fleeing the stinking cesspit cities for the fresh air of the country, now can they? They will have to render all repossessed houses unlivable in the “little or no human activity” zones.
Concomitant to the orchestrated mortgage meltdown, there is the Orwellian-sounding planned “credit crunch” - meaning that businesses who operated on the knife-edge and had to use credit to continue operating day-to-day are no longer able to get the credit they require. No more ships bringing in goods, truckers able to deliver goods, employers able to pay employees. The domino effect which we have begun to see will enlarge to horrific corporations, rendering those crappy burger-flipping jobs an enviable situation, except that people won’t even be able to afford those crappy burgers. Grocery stores run completely out of stock in three days; without stock being brought to them by trucks, it makes for a desperate situation and desperate people.
Without jobs, no one can consume, without consumption the entire US economy collapses. The US government is in the process of defaulting on it’s debts - said, “short-term Treasury yields actually turned negative.” The US Dollar will have to be demonetized at some point in 2009 which will instantly render all paper currency worldwide totally valueless. With empty grocery stores and no means of exchange, there will be food riots very quickly. Be assured that power companies, television and cable will still be working at that time, even though other business will not be. This is important to the plan because everyone will be glued to their “tee-vee” waiting for Mother Government to tell them what is going on and what they should do. And the New World Order plan will shift into high gear at that point.
Local representatives of Mother Government will announce that all hungry, desperate people should all go quietly and calmly to the nearest school, community center or some other large place and Mother Government will “help” them, feed them and their children. This, of course, will be the pick up points to transport people to FEMA camps (all 1400 of them) so they can be ‘taken care of’ and provided with the things they need. Here is the document that says exactly how people will be processed in. Here is the list of Executive Orders allowing the President to nix the Constitution, suspend the Congress and institute Martial Law, separate families, remove entire communities, take possession of all communication, food sources, water supplies and so on. And woe unto you if you have a skill that would be helpful to Mother Government! You can be conscripted, without remuneration and they don’t have to return you. How is that for an employer from hell?
After most hungry and scared sheeple obey the talking head on the “tee-vee” and go willingly to the camps, there will be some who have heeded the advice and taken steps necessary to provide emergency food, buy guns and ammunition and safety gear for themselves and their families. These hold-outs will be problematic for Mother Government and the New World Order plan. Rest assured that as people are processed into the camps and their information entered into the IRIS system, it will be checked against the consolidated databases and the hold-out’s names will be noted. Remember, once Martial Law is declared due to the emergency of dollar demonetization, there is no more Constitution, there are no more rights. Hold-outs will be considered enemies of the State.
When most Americans are ’safely’ within the clutches of FEMA, the squalid conditions, lack of medication, forced vaccinations, and sub-standard, irradiated and non-nutritive food will cause many deaths, but that’s fine because it is further depopulation. More people dead = less slaves to manage. Some will be assigned to work crews to demolish the abandoned and repossessed houses in the “no human activity zones,” others will be working on the cities for the massive influx of slaves [EO 1104], once the work is done and the controllers are ready to repopulate the cities.
Mother Government has an electronic dossier on each person containing any and all information obtainable - that given willingly to Mother Government and that gleaned from extensive data-mining operations, legal and illegal. It contains not only school and medical records, travel, employment and purchasing history, social network, communications, your political leanings and everything else they can get their hands on, and it all adds up to your “data double” for which they run algorithms to figure out your personality, and mental and emotional state. It contains everything there is to know about you that they can obtain, and they think they know you. With this information, they run simulations to determine what your reaction will be to any given stimulus, and the reaction of others with a similar profile, to determine the best way to eliminate you.
With extensive satellite and land-based surveillance, smart dust and other technologies, they will be able to determine where the hold-outs are, and with the results of their simulations, the best way to mitigate the trouble a hold-out may cause. This will include massive aerial spraying in order to sicken hold-outs, ruin crops and kill livestock not already in the hands of Mother Government. There will be no mercy, as those who think for themselves and truly value freedom are the most dangerous to their plan.
But do no forget that more people are waking up every day due to the dedicated and dynamic efforts of Patriots everywhere; and there are many, many more of us than there are of them. If we redouble our efforts at education (especially of law enforcement and military) and preparation, we have a real chance at not only slowing down the nefarious New World Order plan, but stopping it. Only five per cent of the population fought the British in the Revolutionary war - the colonists were out-gunned, out-manned and out-spent, but their determination to be free outweighed everything that was thrown at them. What we face is a much greater tyranny and truly diabolical people who are bent on the near destruction of the human race.
This is a hellish, nightmarish scenario, but if one reads the documents the plan is laid bare for all to see. Time is very, very short, and those who understand must do everything in their power to educate others and prepare for what is coming. If you don’t take care of yourself, Mother Government will.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Las Vegas Gets 6 To 10 Inches Of Snow
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A rare snowfall blanketed Las Vegas on Wednesday, canceling all flights in and out of the city, snarling traffic and dusting palm trees and marquees along the Las Vegas Strip with accumulations that were expected to reach 3 inches overnight.
Other locations were forecast to receive as much as 8 inches of snow in the second winter storm this week to drop snow on the desert city.
Snow piled up around the famous "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign on the south end of the Strip, as visitors parked and posed for pictures wearing hooded jackets. In other parts of the Las Vegas valley, snowfall toppled trees, blanketed rooftops and delighted residents who rarely get to see winter weather.
"Sometimes you have to travel to the mountains to see the snow, and now you don't have to," said Jose Villeda, 38, as he stuck his tongue out to catch snowflakes outside of Lavo, a restaurant and nightclub at the Palazzo hotel-casino.
Snowfall is common in nearby mountains hills, but not on the Strip or surrounding neighborhoods.
FIND MORE STORIES IN: California | Wisconsin | Los Angeles | Pacific | Federal Aviation Administration | Salt Lake City | Delta | Southwest Airlines | Las Vegas Strip | Arctic | Baker | McCarran International Airport | Photos | Pahrump | Nevada Highway Patrol | Hoover Dam | Jet Blue | Palazzo | Primm | Spring Mountains
National Weather Service Meteorologist Andrew Gorelow said 3 inches of accumulation on the Strip would break the December record of two inches set in 1967, but wouldn't match the Las Vegas winter record of nine inches set in 1974.
Gorelow said up to 10 inches could fall in the suburbs in the western foothills of the Spring Mountains. A powerful wet Pacific storm with an Arctic chill was to blame for the conditions that left parts of Las Vegas looking more like Wisconsin than a desert vacation destination.
By Wednesday night, the snowstorm brought all flights in and out of McCarran International Airport to a halt.
Airport spokesman Jerry Pascual said that even though runways remained open, airlines canceled departing flights because of poor visibility. The Federal Aviation Administration grounded all flights destined for McCarran because of the heavy snow.
Pascual said the airport does not have snow removal equipment, but so far the runways have not accumulated enough snowfall to require removal.
"What's happening is visibility has deteriorated with the snow," Pascual said.
Barbara Gann, an airport spokeswoman in Salt Lake City, said some flights bound for Las Vegas were diverted to Salt Lake City, including four flights from Southwest Airlines, two from Delta and one from Jet Blue.
More diversions are expected, she said.
The Nevada Highway Patrol and Las Vegas police reported fender-benders as drivers unaccustomed to snow found themselves spinning crazily out of control. No serious injuries were immediately reported.
U.S. 95 between Las Vegas and Hoover Dam was closed at Railroad Pass, as well as the Interstate 15 between Primm and Baker, Calif., closing the road connecting Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Route 160, the road to Pahrump, also was closed.
The near whiteout conditions had school officials considering a snow day for Las Vegas students.
Clark County School District spokesman Craig Kadlub said the district was watching the developments closely would announce any cancellations early Thursday morning.
Hmmm Could be because the Earth is shifting?
Other locations were forecast to receive as much as 8 inches of snow in the second winter storm this week to drop snow on the desert city.
Snow piled up around the famous "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign on the south end of the Strip, as visitors parked and posed for pictures wearing hooded jackets. In other parts of the Las Vegas valley, snowfall toppled trees, blanketed rooftops and delighted residents who rarely get to see winter weather.
"Sometimes you have to travel to the mountains to see the snow, and now you don't have to," said Jose Villeda, 38, as he stuck his tongue out to catch snowflakes outside of Lavo, a restaurant and nightclub at the Palazzo hotel-casino.
Snowfall is common in nearby mountains hills, but not on the Strip or surrounding neighborhoods.
FIND MORE STORIES IN: California | Wisconsin | Los Angeles | Pacific | Federal Aviation Administration | Salt Lake City | Delta | Southwest Airlines | Las Vegas Strip | Arctic | Baker | McCarran International Airport | Photos | Pahrump | Nevada Highway Patrol | Hoover Dam | Jet Blue | Palazzo | Primm | Spring Mountains
National Weather Service Meteorologist Andrew Gorelow said 3 inches of accumulation on the Strip would break the December record of two inches set in 1967, but wouldn't match the Las Vegas winter record of nine inches set in 1974.
Gorelow said up to 10 inches could fall in the suburbs in the western foothills of the Spring Mountains. A powerful wet Pacific storm with an Arctic chill was to blame for the conditions that left parts of Las Vegas looking more like Wisconsin than a desert vacation destination.
By Wednesday night, the snowstorm brought all flights in and out of McCarran International Airport to a halt.
Airport spokesman Jerry Pascual said that even though runways remained open, airlines canceled departing flights because of poor visibility. The Federal Aviation Administration grounded all flights destined for McCarran because of the heavy snow.
Pascual said the airport does not have snow removal equipment, but so far the runways have not accumulated enough snowfall to require removal.
"What's happening is visibility has deteriorated with the snow," Pascual said.
Barbara Gann, an airport spokeswoman in Salt Lake City, said some flights bound for Las Vegas were diverted to Salt Lake City, including four flights from Southwest Airlines, two from Delta and one from Jet Blue.
More diversions are expected, she said.
The Nevada Highway Patrol and Las Vegas police reported fender-benders as drivers unaccustomed to snow found themselves spinning crazily out of control. No serious injuries were immediately reported.
U.S. 95 between Las Vegas and Hoover Dam was closed at Railroad Pass, as well as the Interstate 15 between Primm and Baker, Calif., closing the road connecting Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Route 160, the road to Pahrump, also was closed.
The near whiteout conditions had school officials considering a snow day for Las Vegas students.
Clark County School District spokesman Craig Kadlub said the district was watching the developments closely would announce any cancellations early Thursday morning.
Hmmm Could be because the Earth is shifting?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Widening Gap between Rich and Poor: US cities now compare to African cities
Another "Banana Republican" sign: According to a new UN report, as reported in The Guardian, US cities such as New York, Atlanta, New Orleans, Washington, and Miami, now rank among the world's greatest - in terms of disparity of income. We knew this gap was growing in the US. But did we know that many of our largest cities now compare to cities in Africa in terms of disparities between rich and poor? Did we realize that race was a significant factor in these disparities?
As we face the election of our first Black President, in the midst of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, this UN study suggests a potential for civil unrest as well:
"High levels of inequality can lead to negative social, economic and political consequences that have a destabilising effect on societies," said the report. "[They] create social and political fractures that can develop into social unrest and insecurity."
It is a tragedy how far the United States has descended from our proud aspirations of social equality, particularly during the past 8 years of the bush administration. It is particularly tragic that republicans have worked so hard to foster wealth-shifting, and divisions along racial, ethnic, and religious divides in addition to wasting so much time, energy, and money on bush's vendetta with Iraq.
"It is clear that social tension comes from inequality. The trickle down theory [that wealth starts with the rich] has not delivered. Inequality is not good for anybody," said Anna Tibaijuka, head of UN-Habitat, in London yesterday.
We have traveled so far from our ideals in these 8 years. We have tortured. We have spied on ourselves. We have weakened our Constitutional protections. We have lived way beyond our means as a nation and created a wealthy class to rival the early years of the 20th century. But so many people have paid a terrible price in terms of life expectancy and infant mortality, in a nation which imprisons a greater percentage of our population than any other nation and spends half of the entire world's military budget.
We have a lot of work to do. We have a lot to undo. So many great tasks lie ahead of us.
As we face the election of our first Black President, in the midst of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, this UN study suggests a potential for civil unrest as well:
"High levels of inequality can lead to negative social, economic and political consequences that have a destabilising effect on societies," said the report. "[They] create social and political fractures that can develop into social unrest and insecurity."
It is a tragedy how far the United States has descended from our proud aspirations of social equality, particularly during the past 8 years of the bush administration. It is particularly tragic that republicans have worked so hard to foster wealth-shifting, and divisions along racial, ethnic, and religious divides in addition to wasting so much time, energy, and money on bush's vendetta with Iraq.
"It is clear that social tension comes from inequality. The trickle down theory [that wealth starts with the rich] has not delivered. Inequality is not good for anybody," said Anna Tibaijuka, head of UN-Habitat, in London yesterday.
We have traveled so far from our ideals in these 8 years. We have tortured. We have spied on ourselves. We have weakened our Constitutional protections. We have lived way beyond our means as a nation and created a wealthy class to rival the early years of the 20th century. But so many people have paid a terrible price in terms of life expectancy and infant mortality, in a nation which imprisons a greater percentage of our population than any other nation and spends half of the entire world's military budget.
We have a lot of work to do. We have a lot to undo. So many great tasks lie ahead of us.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
High Demand For Emergency Storage Food Products.
At the end of 2008, there are three consumer marketplaces that are experiencing record sales volumes—firearms, precious metals, and emergency storage food. Crisis preparedness is increasingly the theme for those seeking a refuge for their money and comfort from their concerns.
Minneapolis (Vocus/PRWEB ) December 6, 2008 – Gun dealers all over the United States are having a hard time keeping any inventory on hand for anxious customers. Reports are that guns and ammunition are selling at levels up to 50% higher than previous records.
25 Mountain House cases
25 Mountain House cases
Anxiety and bearish outlooks abound wherever one cares to look today. There’s precious little a concerned citizen can do in reaction to global forces spinning out of control. But we all do what we can. At Safecastle, we’re particularly happy to give our customers this holiday-season opportunity to become better positioned for what looks like rough times ahead.
The demand for gold has similarly erupted—Q3 of 2008 showed global sales 45% higher than the quarter before, which itself set the previous high-water mark.
Survival gear and emergency food producers are shipping product as fast as they can get it through their facilities and onto the loading docks. Using packaging technologies that deliver shelf lives measured in years and even decades, producers of storage food are experiencing unprecedented demand today for their products.
Victor Rantala, owner of the crisis preparedness company Safecastle LLC, said: “Our business volume this year will triple over last year, and most of this increased activity has come in the last 3-4 months.
“By far, our best seller right now is Mountain House freeze-dried food. It stores for more than 25 years, it’s easy to prepare, and it tastes great. Outdoorsmen and adventurers consider it a preferred staple. Our customers, those who are looking at a future that looks very uncertain, see it as a way to lock in today’s prices and to ensure a level of peace of mind that is hard to otherwise put a value on.”
In response to the overwhelming demand for storage food and strains on customers’ budgets, Safecastle is offering an end-of-the-year sale on Mountain House freeze dried food in cans—which offer the longest shelf life of any storage food on the market. All Mountain House cans are 25% off list and ship for free to the continental U.S.A. The sale is running at the Safecastle Royal Buyers Club from December 6 to December 19.
Said Rantala, “Anxiety and bearish outlooks abound wherever one cares to look today. There’s precious little a concerned citizen can do in reaction to global forces spinning out of control. But we all do what we can. At Safecastle, we’re particularly happy to give our customers this holiday-season opportunity to become better positioned for what looks like rough times ahead.”
Minneapolis (Vocus/PRWEB ) December 6, 2008 – Gun dealers all over the United States are having a hard time keeping any inventory on hand for anxious customers. Reports are that guns and ammunition are selling at levels up to 50% higher than previous records.
25 Mountain House cases
25 Mountain House cases
Anxiety and bearish outlooks abound wherever one cares to look today. There’s precious little a concerned citizen can do in reaction to global forces spinning out of control. But we all do what we can. At Safecastle, we’re particularly happy to give our customers this holiday-season opportunity to become better positioned for what looks like rough times ahead.
The demand for gold has similarly erupted—Q3 of 2008 showed global sales 45% higher than the quarter before, which itself set the previous high-water mark.
Survival gear and emergency food producers are shipping product as fast as they can get it through their facilities and onto the loading docks. Using packaging technologies that deliver shelf lives measured in years and even decades, producers of storage food are experiencing unprecedented demand today for their products.
Victor Rantala, owner of the crisis preparedness company Safecastle LLC, said: “Our business volume this year will triple over last year, and most of this increased activity has come in the last 3-4 months.
“By far, our best seller right now is Mountain House freeze-dried food. It stores for more than 25 years, it’s easy to prepare, and it tastes great. Outdoorsmen and adventurers consider it a preferred staple. Our customers, those who are looking at a future that looks very uncertain, see it as a way to lock in today’s prices and to ensure a level of peace of mind that is hard to otherwise put a value on.”
In response to the overwhelming demand for storage food and strains on customers’ budgets, Safecastle is offering an end-of-the-year sale on Mountain House freeze dried food in cans—which offer the longest shelf life of any storage food on the market. All Mountain House cans are 25% off list and ship for free to the continental U.S.A. The sale is running at the Safecastle Royal Buyers Club from December 6 to December 19.
Said Rantala, “Anxiety and bearish outlooks abound wherever one cares to look today. There’s precious little a concerned citizen can do in reaction to global forces spinning out of control. But we all do what we can. At Safecastle, we’re particularly happy to give our customers this holiday-season opportunity to become better positioned for what looks like rough times ahead.”
Monday, December 8, 2008
Evolution is being distorted by pollution, which damages genitals and the ability to father offspring, says new study. Geoffrey Lean repor
The male gender is in danger, with incalculable consequences for both humans and wildlife, startling scientific research from around the world reveals.
The research – to be detailed tomorrow in the most comprehensive report yet published – shows that a host of common chemicals is feminising males of every class of vertebrate animals, from fish to mammals, including people.
Backed by some of the world's leading scientists, who say that it "waves a red flag" for humanity and shows that evolution itself is being disrupted, the report comes out at a particularly sensitive time for ministers. On Wednesday, Britain will lead opposition to proposed new European controls on pesticides, many of which have been found to have "gender-bending" effects.
It also follows hard on the heels of new American research which shows that baby boys born to women exposed to widespread chemicals in pregnancy are born with smaller penises and feminised genitals.
"This research shows that the basic male tool kit is under threat," says Gwynne Lyons, a former government adviser on the health effects of chemicals, who wrote the report.
Wildlife and people have been exposed to more than 100,000 new chemicals in recent years, and the European Commission has admitted that 99 per cent of them are not adequately regulated. There is not even proper safety information on 85 per cent of them.
Many have been identified as "endocrine disrupters" – or gender-benders – because they interfere with hormones. These include phthalates, used in food wrapping, cosmetics and baby powders among other applications; flame retardants in furniture and electrical goods; PCBs, a now banned group of substances still widespread in food and the environment; and many pesticides.
The report – published by the charity CHEMTrust and drawing on more than 250 scientific studies from around the world – concentrates mainly on wildlife, identifying effects in species ranging from the polar bears of the Arctic to the eland of the South African plains, and from whales in the depths of the oceans to high-flying falcons and eagles.
It concludes: "Males of species from each of the main classes of vertebrate animals (including bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) have been affected by chemicals in the environment.
"Feminisation of the males of numerous vertebrate species is now a widespread occurrence. All vertebrates have similar sex hormone receptors, which have been conserved in evolution. Therefore, observations in one species may serve to highlight pollution issues of concern for other vertebrates, including humans."
Fish, it says, are particularly affected by pollutants as they are immersed in them when they swim in contaminated water, taking them in not just in their food but through their gills and skin. They were among the first to show widespread gender-bending effects.
Half the male fish in British lowland rivers have been found to be developing eggs in their testes; in some stretches all male roaches have been found to be changing sex in this way. Female hormones – largely from the contraceptive pills which pass unaltered through sewage treatment – are partly responsible, while more than three-quarters of sewage works have been found also to be discharging demasculinising man-made chemicals. Feminising effects have now been discovered in a host of freshwater fish species as far away as Japan and Benin, in Africa, and in sea fish in the North Sea, the Mediterranean, Osaka Bay in Japan and Puget Sound on the US west coast.
Research at the University of Florida earlier this year found that 40 per cent of the male cane toads – a species so indestructible that it has become a plague in Australia – had become hermaphrodites in a heavily farmed part of the state, with another 20 per cent undergoing lesser feminisation. A similar link between farming and sex changes in northern leopard frogs has been revealed by Canadian research, adding to suspicions that pesticides may be to blame.
Male alligators exposed to pesticides in Florida have suffered from lower testosterone and higher oestrogen levels, abnormal testes, smaller penises and reproductive failures. Male snapping turtles have been found with female characteristics in the same state and around the Great Lakes, where wildlife has been found to be contaminated with more than 400 different chemicals. Male herring gulls and peregrine falcons have produced the female protein used to make egg yolks, while bald eagles have had difficulty reproducing in areas highly contaminated with chemicals.
Scientists at Cardiff University have found that the brains of male starlings who ate worms contaminated by female hormones at a sewage works in south-west England were subtly changed so that they sang at greater length and with increased virtuosity.
Even more ominously for humanity, mammals have also been found to be widely affected.
Two-thirds of male Sitka black-tailed deer in Alaska have been found to have undescended testes and deformed antler growth, and roughly the same proportion of white-tailed deer in Montana were discovered to have genital abnormalities.
In South Africa, eland have been revealed to have damaged testicles while being contaminated by high levels of gender-bender chemicals, and striped mice from one polluted nature reserved were discovered to be producing no sperm at all.
At the other end of the world, hermaphrodite polar bears – with penises and vaginas – have been discovered and gender-benders have been found to reduce sperm counts and penis lengths in those that remained male. Many of the small, endangered populations of Florida panthers have been found to have abnormal sperm.
Other research has revealed otters from polluted areas with smaller testicles and mink exposed to PCBs with shorter penises. Beluga whales in Canada's St Lawrence estuary and killer whales off its north-west coast – two of the wildlife populations most contaminated by PCBs – are reproducing poorly, as are exposed porpoises, seals and dolphins.
Scientists warned yesterday that the mass of evidence added up to a grave warning for both wildlife and humans. Professor Charles Tyler, an expert on endocrine disrupters at the University of Exeter, says that the evidence in the report "set off alarm bells". Whole wildlife populations could be at risk, he said, because their gene pool would be reduced, making them less able to withstand disease and putting them at risk from hazards such as global warming.
Dr Pete Myers, chief scientist at Environmental Health Sciences, one of the world's foremost authorities on gender-bender chemicals, added: "We have thrown 100, 000 chemicals against a finely balanced hormone system, so it's not surprising that we are seeing some serious results. It is leading to the most rapid pace of evolution in the history of the world.
Professor Lou Gillette of Florida University, one of the most respected academics in the field, warned that the report waved "a large red flag" at humanity. He said: "If we are seeing problems in wildlife, we can be concerned that something similar is happening to a proportion of human males"
Indeed, new research at the University of Rochester in New York state shows that boys born to mothers with raised levels of phthalates were more likely to have smaller penises and undescended testicles. They also had a shorter distance between their anus and genitalia, a classic sign of feminisation. And a study at Rotterdam's Erasmus University showed that boys whose mothers had been exposed to PCBs grew up wanting to play with dolls and tea sets rather than with traditionally male toys.
Communities heavily polluted with gender-benders in Canada, Russia and Italy have given birth to twice as many girls than boys, which may offer a clue to the reason for a mysterious shift in sex ratios worldwide. Normally 106 boys are born for every 100 girls, but the ratio is slipping. It is calculated that 250,000 babies who would have been boys have been born as girls instead in the US and Japan alone.
And sperm counts are dropping precipitously. Studies in more than 20 countries have shown that they have dropped from 150 million per millilitre of sperm fluid to 60 million over 50 years. (Hamsters produce nearly three times as much, at 160 million.) Professor Nil Basu of Michigan University says that this adds up to "pretty compelling evidence for effects in humans".
But Britain has long sought to water down EU attempts to control gender-bender chemicals and has been leading opposition to a new regulation that would ban pesticides shown to have endocrine-disrupting effects. Almost all the other European countries back it, but ministers – backed by their counterparts from Ireland and Romania – are intent on continuing their resistance at a crucial meeting on Wednesday. They say the regulation would cause a collapse of agriculture in the UK, but environmentalists retort that this is nonsense because the regulation has get-out clauses that could be used by British farmers.
The research – to be detailed tomorrow in the most comprehensive report yet published – shows that a host of common chemicals is feminising males of every class of vertebrate animals, from fish to mammals, including people.
Backed by some of the world's leading scientists, who say that it "waves a red flag" for humanity and shows that evolution itself is being disrupted, the report comes out at a particularly sensitive time for ministers. On Wednesday, Britain will lead opposition to proposed new European controls on pesticides, many of which have been found to have "gender-bending" effects.
It also follows hard on the heels of new American research which shows that baby boys born to women exposed to widespread chemicals in pregnancy are born with smaller penises and feminised genitals.
"This research shows that the basic male tool kit is under threat," says Gwynne Lyons, a former government adviser on the health effects of chemicals, who wrote the report.
Wildlife and people have been exposed to more than 100,000 new chemicals in recent years, and the European Commission has admitted that 99 per cent of them are not adequately regulated. There is not even proper safety information on 85 per cent of them.
Many have been identified as "endocrine disrupters" – or gender-benders – because they interfere with hormones. These include phthalates, used in food wrapping, cosmetics and baby powders among other applications; flame retardants in furniture and electrical goods; PCBs, a now banned group of substances still widespread in food and the environment; and many pesticides.
The report – published by the charity CHEMTrust and drawing on more than 250 scientific studies from around the world – concentrates mainly on wildlife, identifying effects in species ranging from the polar bears of the Arctic to the eland of the South African plains, and from whales in the depths of the oceans to high-flying falcons and eagles.
It concludes: "Males of species from each of the main classes of vertebrate animals (including bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) have been affected by chemicals in the environment.
"Feminisation of the males of numerous vertebrate species is now a widespread occurrence. All vertebrates have similar sex hormone receptors, which have been conserved in evolution. Therefore, observations in one species may serve to highlight pollution issues of concern for other vertebrates, including humans."
Fish, it says, are particularly affected by pollutants as they are immersed in them when they swim in contaminated water, taking them in not just in their food but through their gills and skin. They were among the first to show widespread gender-bending effects.
Half the male fish in British lowland rivers have been found to be developing eggs in their testes; in some stretches all male roaches have been found to be changing sex in this way. Female hormones – largely from the contraceptive pills which pass unaltered through sewage treatment – are partly responsible, while more than three-quarters of sewage works have been found also to be discharging demasculinising man-made chemicals. Feminising effects have now been discovered in a host of freshwater fish species as far away as Japan and Benin, in Africa, and in sea fish in the North Sea, the Mediterranean, Osaka Bay in Japan and Puget Sound on the US west coast.
Research at the University of Florida earlier this year found that 40 per cent of the male cane toads – a species so indestructible that it has become a plague in Australia – had become hermaphrodites in a heavily farmed part of the state, with another 20 per cent undergoing lesser feminisation. A similar link between farming and sex changes in northern leopard frogs has been revealed by Canadian research, adding to suspicions that pesticides may be to blame.
Male alligators exposed to pesticides in Florida have suffered from lower testosterone and higher oestrogen levels, abnormal testes, smaller penises and reproductive failures. Male snapping turtles have been found with female characteristics in the same state and around the Great Lakes, where wildlife has been found to be contaminated with more than 400 different chemicals. Male herring gulls and peregrine falcons have produced the female protein used to make egg yolks, while bald eagles have had difficulty reproducing in areas highly contaminated with chemicals.
Scientists at Cardiff University have found that the brains of male starlings who ate worms contaminated by female hormones at a sewage works in south-west England were subtly changed so that they sang at greater length and with increased virtuosity.
Even more ominously for humanity, mammals have also been found to be widely affected.
Two-thirds of male Sitka black-tailed deer in Alaska have been found to have undescended testes and deformed antler growth, and roughly the same proportion of white-tailed deer in Montana were discovered to have genital abnormalities.
In South Africa, eland have been revealed to have damaged testicles while being contaminated by high levels of gender-bender chemicals, and striped mice from one polluted nature reserved were discovered to be producing no sperm at all.
At the other end of the world, hermaphrodite polar bears – with penises and vaginas – have been discovered and gender-benders have been found to reduce sperm counts and penis lengths in those that remained male. Many of the small, endangered populations of Florida panthers have been found to have abnormal sperm.
Other research has revealed otters from polluted areas with smaller testicles and mink exposed to PCBs with shorter penises. Beluga whales in Canada's St Lawrence estuary and killer whales off its north-west coast – two of the wildlife populations most contaminated by PCBs – are reproducing poorly, as are exposed porpoises, seals and dolphins.
Scientists warned yesterday that the mass of evidence added up to a grave warning for both wildlife and humans. Professor Charles Tyler, an expert on endocrine disrupters at the University of Exeter, says that the evidence in the report "set off alarm bells". Whole wildlife populations could be at risk, he said, because their gene pool would be reduced, making them less able to withstand disease and putting them at risk from hazards such as global warming.
Dr Pete Myers, chief scientist at Environmental Health Sciences, one of the world's foremost authorities on gender-bender chemicals, added: "We have thrown 100, 000 chemicals against a finely balanced hormone system, so it's not surprising that we are seeing some serious results. It is leading to the most rapid pace of evolution in the history of the world.
Professor Lou Gillette of Florida University, one of the most respected academics in the field, warned that the report waved "a large red flag" at humanity. He said: "If we are seeing problems in wildlife, we can be concerned that something similar is happening to a proportion of human males"
Indeed, new research at the University of Rochester in New York state shows that boys born to mothers with raised levels of phthalates were more likely to have smaller penises and undescended testicles. They also had a shorter distance between their anus and genitalia, a classic sign of feminisation. And a study at Rotterdam's Erasmus University showed that boys whose mothers had been exposed to PCBs grew up wanting to play with dolls and tea sets rather than with traditionally male toys.
Communities heavily polluted with gender-benders in Canada, Russia and Italy have given birth to twice as many girls than boys, which may offer a clue to the reason for a mysterious shift in sex ratios worldwide. Normally 106 boys are born for every 100 girls, but the ratio is slipping. It is calculated that 250,000 babies who would have been boys have been born as girls instead in the US and Japan alone.
And sperm counts are dropping precipitously. Studies in more than 20 countries have shown that they have dropped from 150 million per millilitre of sperm fluid to 60 million over 50 years. (Hamsters produce nearly three times as much, at 160 million.) Professor Nil Basu of Michigan University says that this adds up to "pretty compelling evidence for effects in humans".
But Britain has long sought to water down EU attempts to control gender-bender chemicals and has been leading opposition to a new regulation that would ban pesticides shown to have endocrine-disrupting effects. Almost all the other European countries back it, but ministers – backed by their counterparts from Ireland and Romania – are intent on continuing their resistance at a crucial meeting on Wednesday. They say the regulation would cause a collapse of agriculture in the UK, but environmentalists retort that this is nonsense because the regulation has get-out clauses that could be used by British farmers.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Expect the Worst Recession Since WWII
) Expect the worst recession in the post-WWII era
First, this is going to be the worst recession in the post-World War II era, in our view. The ECRI leading indicator hit a record low for the fifth week in a row – down to - 29.2 as of the November 21st week versus -28.2 the week before. This index, which leads real GDP by two quarters with a 70% historical correlation, is getting further and further away from the prior all-time low of -19.8 that defined the worst recession of the post-WWII era and saw a six-quarter consumer recession coincide with a 45% peak-to-trough decline in the stock market. Perhaps the fact that this bear market is proving to be even more severe is symptomatic of an economic downturn that will also prove to be deeper and more prolonged. After the flurry of data released just before Thanksgiving, we are now tracking close to a 4.5% QoQ annualized fall in real GDP in 4Q. This would be the largest pullback since the 1982 recession, and we see a similar contraction in the first quarter of 2009.
2) Capex is in a steep decline
Second, capex is in a very steep decline right now. Durable goods orders dropped 6.2% in October, the third decline in a row. Over that time frame, orders have plunged at a 39% annual rate, which is unprecedented. The retrenchment has spread to the tech sector, where order books were expanding at a 7% annualized rate over the three months to June. Currently, that same three-month trend has swung to a negative 13% annualized rate.
3) Consumer spending down sharply; savings rate is soaring
Third, consumer spending fell 1% in October, which was a near-record decline. This, in fact, was the fourth straight monthly decline, which is unprecedented. The savings rate is soaring; it leapt to 2.4% from 1.0% in September, in a sign of heightened risk aversion and cash preservation, and is a shift that we believe should be seen as secular, not merely cyclical.
This was a conclusion that came through loud and clear in the Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index, principally in the spending intention components of the survey. Auto buying plans dropped for the third month in a row to a record low in October while home-buying plans fell to their lowest level since the 1982 recession. Consumer plans to buy a major appliance fell to a 14-year low as well – down for three months in a row. During this four-month period of unprecedented consumer retrenchment from July to October, spending on discretionary items collapsed at an average annual rate of 18%. Even spending on groceries has declined 6%, toiletries are off by 6% and utilities are down 3%. So, even some of the classic staples are being curtailed.
The only areas that have posted increases in spending over this unprecedented four-month decline in spending have been pharmaceuticals (+7%), telecom services (+3%), medical care services (+5%) and mass transit (+26%) – all other forms of transportation, from rail to bus to air fell at a 19% annual rate.
4) Obama planning a $700 billion fiscal package
Fourth, we learned this week that President-elect Obama's economics team is planning a fiscal package as big as $700 billion over the next two years. We are going to wait for the details to see how this is going to impact our base case macro forecast. Suffice it to say that the cornerstone of the stimulus this time around will likely be infrastructure, not tax rebates. The key for investors is where these outlays will be concentrated, which, in turn, means identifying the areas of the capital stock that have been the most underinvested in recent years. After sifting through the data, we believe that the prime candidates will be hospitals, waste management services and passenger transit.
5) Housing market is not close to bottoming out
Fifth, we learned that the housing market is nowhere close to bottoming out. New home sales dropped 5.3% in November to a 433k annualized rate – the worst since the 1982 recession. Even though sales are now down 69% from the July 2005 bubble peak of 1.39 million units, we believe builders have not been aggressive enough in curbing production because the most critical variable of all, the unsold inventory backlog, rose to 11.1 months' supply from 10.9 in September.
Need to see inventory backlog drop to 8 months' supply
The reality is that even though single-family starts have dropped to 26-year lows of 531,000, they are still running 23% above the prevailing level of new home sales. The worst the inventory-sales ratio ever got in the early 1990s real estate meltdown was 9.4 months' supply. We are currently 18% above that level and almost 40% higher than the 8 months' supply we would need to see before calling an end to the housing deflation phase.
Another 15-20% decline in home prices likely from here
As we saw last week, the Case-Shiller index fell 1.85% MoM or at a 20% annual rate. All 20 cities were down both sequentially and YoY. Home prices are now down a remarkable 22% from the 2007 peaks. With the unsold inventory sitting at the third highest level of the past three decades and mortgage approvals for new home purchases falling to their lowest level in nine years, we believe the laws of supply and demand point to a further 15-20% decline from here. So, of all the things that happened last week in the market, retailing stocks up 17%, the bank stocks up 26%, tech up 9%, the one development that probably has the greatest chance of being reversed is the 60% surge we saw in the homebuilding group.
6) Fed has switched December meeting to a two-day affair
Sixth, we learned that the Fed is going to make the December FOMC meeting a two-day affair instead of one (December 15-16). The market is already sniffing out a 50 basis point rate cut. However, now that the Fed has de facto embarked on the process of quantitative easing, perhaps the need for a two day meeting is to iron out a more aggressive plan to revive the credit markets and the economy. The only areas that have posted increases in spending over this unprecedented four-month decline in spending have been pharmaceuticals (+7%), telecom services (+3%), medical care services (+5%) and mass transit (+26%) – all other forms of transportation, from rail to bus to air fell at a 19% annual rate.
As Chairman Bernanke suggested in several speeches he gave back in 2002 and 2003, one of the deflation-fighting strategies would likely involve Fed action to nurture lower rates at the longer end of the yield curve. Perhaps this prospect is behind the rally in the 10-year note yield and long bond to cycle lows. This would fit in very well with our ongoing strategy of focusing on equity sectors that have income-generating characteristics like utilities, health care and telecom services; these sectors also screen very well in a negative nominal GDP growth environment.
First, this is going to be the worst recession in the post-World War II era, in our view. The ECRI leading indicator hit a record low for the fifth week in a row – down to - 29.2 as of the November 21st week versus -28.2 the week before. This index, which leads real GDP by two quarters with a 70% historical correlation, is getting further and further away from the prior all-time low of -19.8 that defined the worst recession of the post-WWII era and saw a six-quarter consumer recession coincide with a 45% peak-to-trough decline in the stock market. Perhaps the fact that this bear market is proving to be even more severe is symptomatic of an economic downturn that will also prove to be deeper and more prolonged. After the flurry of data released just before Thanksgiving, we are now tracking close to a 4.5% QoQ annualized fall in real GDP in 4Q. This would be the largest pullback since the 1982 recession, and we see a similar contraction in the first quarter of 2009.
2) Capex is in a steep decline
Second, capex is in a very steep decline right now. Durable goods orders dropped 6.2% in October, the third decline in a row. Over that time frame, orders have plunged at a 39% annual rate, which is unprecedented. The retrenchment has spread to the tech sector, where order books were expanding at a 7% annualized rate over the three months to June. Currently, that same three-month trend has swung to a negative 13% annualized rate.
3) Consumer spending down sharply; savings rate is soaring
Third, consumer spending fell 1% in October, which was a near-record decline. This, in fact, was the fourth straight monthly decline, which is unprecedented. The savings rate is soaring; it leapt to 2.4% from 1.0% in September, in a sign of heightened risk aversion and cash preservation, and is a shift that we believe should be seen as secular, not merely cyclical.
This was a conclusion that came through loud and clear in the Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index, principally in the spending intention components of the survey. Auto buying plans dropped for the third month in a row to a record low in October while home-buying plans fell to their lowest level since the 1982 recession. Consumer plans to buy a major appliance fell to a 14-year low as well – down for three months in a row. During this four-month period of unprecedented consumer retrenchment from July to October, spending on discretionary items collapsed at an average annual rate of 18%. Even spending on groceries has declined 6%, toiletries are off by 6% and utilities are down 3%. So, even some of the classic staples are being curtailed.
The only areas that have posted increases in spending over this unprecedented four-month decline in spending have been pharmaceuticals (+7%), telecom services (+3%), medical care services (+5%) and mass transit (+26%) – all other forms of transportation, from rail to bus to air fell at a 19% annual rate.
4) Obama planning a $700 billion fiscal package
Fourth, we learned this week that President-elect Obama's economics team is planning a fiscal package as big as $700 billion over the next two years. We are going to wait for the details to see how this is going to impact our base case macro forecast. Suffice it to say that the cornerstone of the stimulus this time around will likely be infrastructure, not tax rebates. The key for investors is where these outlays will be concentrated, which, in turn, means identifying the areas of the capital stock that have been the most underinvested in recent years. After sifting through the data, we believe that the prime candidates will be hospitals, waste management services and passenger transit.
5) Housing market is not close to bottoming out
Fifth, we learned that the housing market is nowhere close to bottoming out. New home sales dropped 5.3% in November to a 433k annualized rate – the worst since the 1982 recession. Even though sales are now down 69% from the July 2005 bubble peak of 1.39 million units, we believe builders have not been aggressive enough in curbing production because the most critical variable of all, the unsold inventory backlog, rose to 11.1 months' supply from 10.9 in September.
Need to see inventory backlog drop to 8 months' supply
The reality is that even though single-family starts have dropped to 26-year lows of 531,000, they are still running 23% above the prevailing level of new home sales. The worst the inventory-sales ratio ever got in the early 1990s real estate meltdown was 9.4 months' supply. We are currently 18% above that level and almost 40% higher than the 8 months' supply we would need to see before calling an end to the housing deflation phase.
Another 15-20% decline in home prices likely from here
As we saw last week, the Case-Shiller index fell 1.85% MoM or at a 20% annual rate. All 20 cities were down both sequentially and YoY. Home prices are now down a remarkable 22% from the 2007 peaks. With the unsold inventory sitting at the third highest level of the past three decades and mortgage approvals for new home purchases falling to their lowest level in nine years, we believe the laws of supply and demand point to a further 15-20% decline from here. So, of all the things that happened last week in the market, retailing stocks up 17%, the bank stocks up 26%, tech up 9%, the one development that probably has the greatest chance of being reversed is the 60% surge we saw in the homebuilding group.
6) Fed has switched December meeting to a two-day affair
Sixth, we learned that the Fed is going to make the December FOMC meeting a two-day affair instead of one (December 15-16). The market is already sniffing out a 50 basis point rate cut. However, now that the Fed has de facto embarked on the process of quantitative easing, perhaps the need for a two day meeting is to iron out a more aggressive plan to revive the credit markets and the economy. The only areas that have posted increases in spending over this unprecedented four-month decline in spending have been pharmaceuticals (+7%), telecom services (+3%), medical care services (+5%) and mass transit (+26%) – all other forms of transportation, from rail to bus to air fell at a 19% annual rate.
As Chairman Bernanke suggested in several speeches he gave back in 2002 and 2003, one of the deflation-fighting strategies would likely involve Fed action to nurture lower rates at the longer end of the yield curve. Perhaps this prospect is behind the rally in the 10-year note yield and long bond to cycle lows. This would fit in very well with our ongoing strategy of focusing on equity sectors that have income-generating characteristics like utilities, health care and telecom services; these sectors also screen very well in a negative nominal GDP growth environment.
Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America: By Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt.
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, blew the whistle in the `80s on government activities withheld from the public. Her inside knowledge will help you protect your children from controversial methods and programs. In this book you will discover:
-how good teachers across America have been forced to use controversial, non-academic me
-how "school choice" is being used to further dangerous reform goals, and how home schooling and private education are especially vulnerable.
-how workforce training (school-to-work) is an essential part of an overall plan for a global economy, and how this plan will shortcircuit your child's future career plans and opportunities.
-how the international, national, regional, state and local agendas for education reform are all interconnected and have been for decades.
the deliberate dumbing down of america is a chronological history of the past 100+ years of education reform. Each chapter takes a period of history and recounts the significant events, including important geopolitical and societal contextual information. Citations from government plans, policy documents, and key writings by leading reformers record the rise of the modern education reform movement. Americans of all ages will welcome this riveting expose of what really happened to what was once the finest education system in the world.
Readers will appreciate the user-friendliness of this chronological history designed for the average reader not just the academician. This book will be used by citizens at public hearings, board meetings, or for easy presentation to elected officials.
Publication of the deliberate dumbing down of america is certain to add fuel to the fire in this nation's phonics wars. Iserbyt provides documentation that Direct Instruction, the latest education reform fad in the classroom, is being institutionalized under the guise of "traditional" phonics thanks to the passage of the unconstitutional Reading Excellence Act of 1998.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Washington Post warns of Martial Law
And, remember............this will be AFTER Obama is sworn in. I see "change" all right. The kind of change where your upset stomach turns into full blown, azz burning diarrhea. I hope everyone is prepared for Marshall Law...
Keeping in mind that Colin Powell, Joe Biden, and others stated that Obama would be "tested" with some sort of "crisis" soon after he is inaugurated.
They're also talking about a nuclear biological threat by 2013.
he U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials.
The long-planned shift in the Defense Department's role in homeland security was recently backed with funding and troop commitments after years of prodding by Congress and outside experts, defense analysts said.
There are critics of the change, in the military and among civil liberties groups and libertarians who express concern that the new homeland emphasis threatens to strain the military and possibly undermine the Posse Comitatus Act, a 130-year-old federal law restricting the military's role in domestic law enforcement.
But the Bush administration and some in Congress have pushed for a heightened homeland military role since the middle of this decade, saying the greatest domestic threat is terrorists exploiting the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, dedicating 20,000 troops to domestic response -- a nearly sevenfold increase in five years -- "would have been extraordinary to the point of unbelievable," Paul McHale, assistant defense secretary for homeland defense, said in remarks last month at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. But the realization that civilian authorities may be overwhelmed in a catastrophe prompted "a fundamental change in military culture," he said.
The Pentagon's plan calls for three rapid-reaction forces to be ready for emergency response by September 2011. The first 4,700-person unit, built around an active-duty combat brigade based at Fort Stewart, Ga., was available as of Oct. 1, said Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr., commander of the U.S. Northern Command.
If funding continues, two additional teams will join nearly 80 smaller National Guard and reserve units made up of about 6,000 troops in supporting local and state officials nationwide. All would be trained to respond to a domestic chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosive attack, or CBRNE event, as the military calls it.
Military preparations for a domestic weapon-of-mass-destruction attack have been underway since at least 1996, when the Marine Corps activated a 350-member chemical and biological incident response force and later based it in Indian Head, Md., a Washington suburb. Such efforts accelerated after the Sept. 11 attacks, and at the time Iraq was invaded in 2003, a Pentagon joint task force drew on 3,000 civil support personnel across the United States.
In 2005, a new Pentagon homeland defense strategy emphasized "preparing for multiple, simultaneous mass casualty incidents." National security threats were not limited to adversaries who seek to grind down U.S. combat forces abroad, McHale said, but also include those who "want to inflict such brutality on our society that we give up the fight," such as by detonating a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city.
In late 2007, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England signed a directive approving more than $556 million over five years to set up the three response teams, known as CBRNE Consequence Management Response Forces. Planners assume an incident could lead to thousands of casualties, more than 1 million evacuees and contamination of as many as 3,000 square miles, about the scope of damage Hurricane Katrina caused in 2005.
Last month, McHale said, authorities agreed to begin a $1.8 million pilot project funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through which civilian authorities in five states could tap military planners to develop disaster response plans. Hawaii, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Washington and West Virginia will each focus on a particular threat -- pandemic flu, a terrorist attack, hurricane, earthquake and catastrophic chemical release, respectively -- speeding up federal and state emergency planning begun in 2003.
Last Monday, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates ordered defense officials to review whether the military, Guard and reserves can respond adequately to domestic disasters.
he U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials.
The long-planned shift in the Defense Department's role in homeland security was recently backed with funding and troop commitments after years of prodding by Congress and outside experts, defense analysts said.
There are critics of the change, in the military and among civil liberties groups and libertarians who express concern that the new homeland emphasis threatens to strain the military and possibly undermine the Posse Comitatus Act, a 130-year-old federal law restricting the military's role in domestic law enforcement.
But the Bush administration and some in Congress have pushed for a heightened homeland military role since the middle of this decade, saying the greatest domestic threat is terrorists exploiting the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, dedicating 20,000 troops to domestic response -- a nearly sevenfold increase in five years -- "would have been extraordinary to the point of unbelievable," Paul McHale, assistant defense secretary for homeland defense, said in remarks last month at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. But the realization that civilian authorities may be overwhelmed in a catastrophe prompted "a fundamental change in military culture," he said.
The Pentagon's plan calls for three rapid-reaction forces to be ready for emergency response by September 2011. The first 4,700-person unit, built around an active-duty combat brigade based at Fort Stewart, Ga., was available as of Oct. 1, said Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr., commander of the U.S. Northern Command.
If funding continues, two additional teams will join nearly 80 smaller National Guard and reserve units made up of about 6,000 troops in supporting local and state officials nationwide. All would be trained to respond to a domestic chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosive attack, or CBRNE event, as the military calls it.
Military preparations for a domestic weapon-of-mass-destruction attack have been underway since at least 1996, when the Marine Corps activated a 350-member chemical and biological incident response force and later based it in Indian Head, Md., a Washington suburb. Such efforts accelerated after the Sept. 11 attacks, and at the time Iraq was invaded in 2003, a Pentagon joint task force drew on 3,000 civil support personnel across the United States.
In 2005, a new Pentagon homeland defense strategy emphasized "preparing for multiple, simultaneous mass casualty incidents." National security threats were not limited to adversaries who seek to grind down U.S. combat forces abroad, McHale said, but also include those who "want to inflict such brutality on our society that we give up the fight," such as by detonating a nuclear bomb in a U.S. city.
In late 2007, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England signed a directive approving more than $556 million over five years to set up the three response teams, known as CBRNE Consequence Management Response Forces. Planners assume an incident could lead to thousands of casualties, more than 1 million evacuees and contamination of as many as 3,000 square miles, about the scope of damage Hurricane Katrina caused in 2005.
Last month, McHale said, authorities agreed to begin a $1.8 million pilot project funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through which civilian authorities in five states could tap military planners to develop disaster response plans. Hawaii, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Washington and West Virginia will each focus on a particular threat -- pandemic flu, a terrorist attack, hurricane, earthquake and catastrophic chemical release, respectively -- speeding up federal and state emergency planning begun in 2003.
Last Monday, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates ordered defense officials to review whether the military, Guard and reserves can respond adequately to domestic disasters.
Gates gave commanders 25 days to propose changes and cost estimates. He cited the work of a congressionally chartered commission, which concluded in January that the Guard and reserve forces are not ready and that they lack equipment and training.
Bert B. Tussing, director of homeland defense and security issues at the U.S. Army War College's Center for Strategic Leadership, said the new Pentagon approach "breaks the mold" by assigning an active-duty combat brigade to the Northern Command for the first time. Until now, the military required the command to rely on troops requested from other sources.
"This is a genuine recognition that this [job] isn't something that you want to have a pickup team responsible for," said Tussing, who has assessed the military's homeland security strategies.
The American Civil Liberties Union and the libertarian Cato Institute are troubled by what they consider an expansion of executive authority.
Domestic emergency deployment may be "just the first example of a series of expansions in presidential and military authority," or even an increase in domestic surveillance, said Anna Christensen of the ACLU's National Security Project. And Cato Vice President Gene Healy warned of "a creeping militarization" of homeland security.
"There's a notion that whenever there's an important problem, that the thing to do is to call in the boys in green," Healy said, "and that's at odds with our long-standing tradition of being wary of the use of standing armies to keep the peace.
McHale stressed that the response units will be subject to the act, that only 8 percent of their personnel will be responsible for security and that their duties will be to protect the force, not other law enforcement. For decades, the military has assigned larger units to respond to civil disturbances, such as during the Los Angeles riot in 1992.
U.S. forces are already under heavy strain, however. The first reaction force is built around the Army's 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team, which returned in April after 15 months in Iraq. The team includes operations, aviation and medical task forces that are to be ready to deploy at home or overseas within 48 hours, with units specializing in chemical decontamination, bomb disposal, emergency care and logistics.
The one-year domestic mission, however, does not replace the brigade's next scheduled combat deployment in 2010. The brigade may get additional time in the United States to rest and regroup, compared with other combat units, but it may also face more training and operational requirements depending on its homeland security assignments.
Renuart said the Pentagon is accounting for the strain of fighting two wars, and the need for troops to spend time with their families. "We want to make sure the parameters are right for Iraq and Afghanistan," he said. The 1st Brigade's soldiers "will have some very aggressive training, but will also be home for much of that.
Although some Pentagon leaders initially expected to build the next two response units around combat teams, they are likely to be drawn mainly from reserves and the National Guard, such as the 218th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade from South Carolina, which returned in May after more than a year in Afghanistan.
Now that Pentagon strategy gives new priority to homeland security and calls for heavier reliance on the Guard and reserves, McHale said, Washington has to figure out how to pay for it.
"It's one thing to decide upon a course of action, and it's something else to make it happen," he said. "It's time to put our money where our mouth is.
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