Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Consuming Dairy products.


People are the only species to drink the milk of another species, and the only to drink milk beyond infancy. Whole cowz milk are suited to the nutritional needz of calves who double their weight in 47 dayz and grow to 300 poundz within a year!
Many are givin' up cigarettes, beef, chicken and pork due to research being released to the public. However, many of those still consume products of these animalz. Dairy (milk, butter & cheese) and eggz are 2 products created from these toxic animalz. These products are often called 'Liquid meat'. At the same time, we've noticed a dramatic increase in breast cancer, particularly in Afrikan women. If you are really interested in significantly reducing breast cancer (men can get it too!) and other diseases, you should seriously consider eliminating all dairy products from your diet. Here are some startling points found in the study of hueman milk consumption:
According to the USDA, nearly 40% of the food the average American eats consists of milk or dairy.
Milk is the foundation of heart disease and the explanation for America's number one killer.
Milk contributes to heart disease.
Milk is a poor source of calcium.
Pasteurization does not work.
Milk has a direct link to asthma.
Milk causes diabetes, cataracts and osteoporosis (bone loss).
The dairy industry spendz hundredz of millionz of dollarz to brainwash consumerz.
Milk is the reason that one out of six American women will develop cancer of the breast.
25 million American women over the age of forty have been diagnosed with bone crippling arthritis and osteoporosis. These females have been drinking in excess of two poundz of milk per day for their entire adult lives.
Y are their doctorz blind to the fact that drinking milk does not prevent osteoporosis? Calcium in milk is not adequately absorbed and milk consumption is the probable cause of osteoporosis. Milk is responsible for allergies, colic, colitis, earaches, colds and congestion in our youth. Research indicates that one bovine protein in milk destroyz the insulin-producing beta cellz of the pancreas, causing diabetes.

60% of Americaz dairy cowz have the leukemia virus. Ask yourself Afrikanz, it wise to eat the flesh or drink body fluidz from diseased animalz? The Food AND Drug Administration (FDA) used to allow a small amount of antibiotics in milk. FDA scientists recognized that consumerz should not be drinking a fluid containing antibiotics. In 1990, the one part per hundred-million antibiotic residue in milk standard was increased by 100 times to one part per million. As a result, new strainz of bacteria developed, immune to the 52 different antibiotics found in milk. Antibiotics no longer work because we have been drinking milk and eating dairy products containing increased amounts of these powerful drugz and, in addition, new strainz of emerging diseases.
Beer bellies are indeed making a comeback in America. According to the Food Consumption, Prices and Expenditures, 1996, Statistical Bulletin Number 928, published by the USDA. The average American consumed 24 gallonz of beer in 1994. That works out to less than 81/2 ounces of beer per day. Total milk and dairy products consumed per capita in 1994 equaled 26 ounces per day, more than triple the amount of beer. One 12 ounce glass of beer containz 144 calories and no fat. On the other hand, a 12 ounce glass of milk containz 300 calories and 16 gramz of fat. It seemz that beer is taking a bad rap. Protruding stomachs on overweight people should be called milk bellies, not beer bellies.
If you are the average American, today, from the combined total of milk, butter, cheese and other dairy products, you will eat 161mg of cholesterol, the same amount contained in 53 slices of bacon! If you add this up, by the end of the year you will have consumed the equivalent of 19,345 slices, and by age 52, your cholesterol level would be on the same level as if you've eaten 1million pieces of bacon!!

Milk is loaded with protein! 80% of that protein is 'casein', found in the same super glue that hold your furniture together and adhesive used to hold the paper label to a beer bottle! Casein is the primary cause of mucus, congestion and childhood earaches.
WAR VERSUS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEMIf you've read the piece, 'War vs. Your Immune System' (DGT June/July'97), you are familiar with the notion that we live in a system that does not specialize in curing people, but steering them into the realm of slow-death! Think, hospitalz are not in the business of makin' people healthy. Do you know how much money they make from hedz bein' sick?? If doctorz healed and cured everyone, they would inevitably become obsolete; there'd be no need for hospitalz, insurance, pharmacies, etc. Overstanding this, will allow you to believe that there are thingz they do not want you to know about your health. For one, dairy most definitely causes cancer!
"[D]rinking milk does not prevent osteoporosis? ... milk consumption is the probable cause of osteoporosis. Milk is responsible for allergies, colic, colitis, earaches, colds and congestion in our bovine protein in milk destroyz the insulin-producing beta cellz of the pancreas, causing diabetes."

There are studies that the dairy industry refuses to releases; evidence that there are bigger secrets than any revealed by the cigarette industry. There are thousandz of thingz out here that cause cancer, but there is only 1 hormone that you naturally produce that serves as the key factor in the growth of each cancer, in particular breast cancer. There is only 1 out of millionz of hormones of all species that links us. When one drinks milk they are taking in the most powerful growth hormone naturally produced in our own bodies. However, this growth hormone is safeguarded by naturally occurring mechanizmz unique to milk. That hormone is called Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and it is identical (70 amino acids, same gene sequence) in cowz and huemanz. When you drink a 12oz. glass of milk, you double the amount of that hormone in your body. This leadz to an imbalance and eventual dis-ease in the form of numerous cancerz.
There are several reasonz dairy products - milk in particular - are very unhealthy and unsanitary for huemanz. It's unsanitary because the production process is a very dirty procedure and it's unhealthy because of the way the cowz are raised and cared for.
To get the masses to drink it milk advertiserz still use the racist analogy that white is clean and pure; hence we get the lie that milk is good for you. Take some time and analyze the type of milk commercialz and who their geared toward...the youth! They have us ingesting this poison at an early age! This is also Y it's hard to convince someone of the effects of milk, because their logic is "I've been drinkin' it all my life, Y stop now? I see my 80 year old grandmother still drinks it, Y can't I??"
Everything the cow ingests ends up in the milk. That would be cool if cowz were ingesting natural thingz like grass and water, but we find that is not the case. The farmerz need cowz to produce maximum milk so they can make maximum profit. To get more milk, they need more cowz. To get more cowz, they must come up with a chemi(kill) that will make them produce and grow at a faster rate. The chemical is bovine growth hormone. This increases the cowz production about 20%. With technology thrown into the milk industry, cowz are already producing 10 times more milk than they would naturally.
Like anything that gets sick, puss and mucous form inside of it. Everything the cow ingests endz up in the milk. Puss and mucus is white or light in color and therefore hidden by the intoxicating, camouflaged white color of milk. Stay tune...the war continues.


  1. I'm really getting out of the habit of consuming dairy products. It takes a conscious effort to do so because so many of the products we consume daily have dairy and we may not even think about it. We can program our minds and bodies to not desire milk or dairy products.

    Most people probably immediately think of milk, ice cream, and cheese, but butter and margarine also contain milk, so does chocolate. So we'd have to be mindful of these things, though the quantities of milk are much lower in chocolate of course than just drinking milk itself.

    But I noticed as well that when I've eaten ice cream recently (Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip was my favorite) that it doesn't even taste the same anymore. I can hardly eat ice cream and get enjoyment from it like I once did. That makes it easier for me to not want to be bothered with it. I can't even eat cereal with regular milk and not feel a little queasy afterwards.

  2. well i have to admit.... im not a dietary guru, and im not one of those disciplined souls who can cut out this and that and just make healthy choices even though i should. truthfully, i have been cutting back on meats, cigarettes, and fried foods, but that damn dairy.......

    im convinced that im a junky, its been my biggest demon so far........ im like a milk-head, its been very difficult for me, and as much as i have decreased my intake of meat and tap water, and carbs, and starches....... the dairy is just the worst to kick. while i agree witht he facts stated, i suppose an id-driven, part of me still feels the need to consume dairy for some odd reason. but ill keep at it until i never consume it again.

    1. Unpasteurized milk is healthy, thats why they pasteurize all milk. Your body longs for the unpasteurized milk. There is excellent research about what kind of food is healthy by Dr Weston Price, who researched tribes all over the world to see why they had great health, and why health in Europe was poor. Off course his research was completely ignored by the media and its ridiculed by all the illuminati sites, but on the internet it still can be found.
