Monday, November 8, 2010

666 the mark of the beast or Carbon?

Carbon: All Living organisms Must contain Carbon to exist on Earth as Physical Life.

The Bulding Blocks of Life.
6 neutrons, 6 protons, 6 electrons.

Once we concider how life started and what the first forms of life looked like, you can ask your self, are mammals so absolute?


Reptiles, Insects and mammals all play a roll in our eco system.

All beings are one.........
It's just that simple. Earth chooses which beings will become the majority race, based upon the conditions of a given environment.

Who said Mammals are the highest form of life?

Maybe they are just a Form of Life... that exist in this time especially in other planetary systems. Hence the understanding of what we are is crutial to our future belief & existance. But all is one. And one is All.

Humans seem to look at Reptiles as scaly ugly creatures, however, if you were to have a more open mind about it, you would see remarkable designs in their skeletal structure. Not to mention their exterior design. Visual patterns can be a way to learn more about our own past of existance.

Plants, Flowers, Pine Cones, Trees ...etc... seem to exhibit.. Similar patterns to that of our native creatures here on Earth.

So I ask the question again... Who said Mammals are the highest form of life? ...... All is o1 ! ... Are we not all 1?

Carbon forms the backbone of biology for all life on Earth.
Complex molecules are made up of carbon bonded with other elements, especially oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. It is these elements that living organisms need, among others, and carbon is able to bond with all of these because of its four valence electrons. Since no life has been observed that is not carbon-based, it is sometimes assumed in astrobiology that life elsewhere in the universe will also be carbon-based. This assumption is referred to by critics as carbon chauvinism, as it may be possible for life to form that is not based on carbon, even though it has never been observed.

In cinematic and literary science fiction, a moment when man-made machines cross from nonliving to living is often posited, this new form being the first example of non-carbon-based life. Since the advent of the microprocessor in the late 1960s, these machines are often classed as computers (or computer-guided robots) and filed under "silicon-based life", even though the silicon backing matrix of these processors is not nearly as fundamental to their operation as carbon is for "wet life".

The two most important characteristics of carbon as a basis for the chemistry of life are that it has four valence bonds and that the energy required to make or break a bond is just at an appropriate level for building molecules which are not only stable but also reactive.

The fact that carbon atoms bond readily to other carbon atoms allows for the building of arbitrarily long and complex molecules.

There are not many other elements which appear to be even promising candidates for supporting life-like behavior, but the most frequent alternative suggested is silicon. This is in the same group in the Periodic Table of elements and therefore also has four valence bonds. It also bonds to itself, but generally in the form of crystal lattices rather than long chains. However, its compounds are generally highly stable and do not support the ability to readily re-combine in different permutations in a manner that would plausibly support life-like processes.

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